Corporate resources

Inalco internal regulations

The Institut national des langues civilisations orientales (Inalco), a large public institution, is governed by decree 90-414 of May 14, 1990 relating to the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales.

Règlement intérieur actualisé.pdf (1.87 MB, .pdf)


Additional documents to the internal regulations

(UPDATED January 2022)
The additional documents below are mentioned in the internal regulations.

Documents referred to in "BOOK I: GOVERNANCE OF THE INSTITUTE

Règlement intérieur du Fonds de solidarité et de développement des initiatives étudiantes (FSDIE) (120.13 KB, .pdf)

(Title 1, Chapter 4: Training and Student Life Council, Article 11: Solidarity and Student Initiatives Commission (CSIE)) Supplementary documents to Inalco's internal regulations, Title 1, Chapter 4: Training and Student Life Council, Article 12: CFM)

Modalités de fonctionnement de la Commission des formations de Master (CFM) (97.2 KB, .pdf)

(Title 1, Chapter 4: Training and Student Life Council, Article 12: CFM)

Composition de la Commission des formations de master (59.52 KB, .pdf)

Note specifying the composition of the CFM as to the disciplinary specializations represented on it and the distribution of student seats. (Title 1, Chapter 4: Training and Student Life Council, Article 12: CFM)

Liste des langues par aire géographique et par département de formation linguistique et aréale (159.56 KB, .pdf)

List of languages taught at Inalco and the language and areal training departments to which they are attached. (Title 4, Chapter 1: Training and research departments, Article 25: definition and number)

Composition des conseils de département en 2023 (539.61 KB, .pdf)

(Title 4, Chapter 1: Training and Research Departments, Article 31: Rules for representation on the Department Council and number of seats)

Statuts du Service Commun de Formation Continue (SCFC) (96.95 KB, .pdf)

(Title 4, Chapter 2: Continuing Education, Article 43: Service Commun de Formation Continue)

Protection policy for people in vulnerable situations (PPPF)

Annexe PPPF.pdf (438.68 KB, .pdf)

PPPF - Annexes 1 et 2.pdf (363.56 KB, .pdf)

Appendix I: list of different discrimination criteria

Appendix II: contacts for resource persons

Open Science Charter at Inalco

Annexe 4 - Charte pour la science ouverte à l'Inalco.pdf (381.1 KB, .pdf)

PLC common management rules (Inalco/BULAC)

Règlement commun.pdf (256.43 KB, .pdf)

Inalco has two sites in Paris, the first at 2, rue de Lille, dedicated to research activities and the Institute's historic headquarters, and the second in the heart of the 13th arrondissement, at 65, rue des Grands Moulins. The second site comprises a building complex shared with the Bibliothèque universitaire des langues et civilisations (BULAC), a public interest group with a legal personality separate from Inalco. The activities of the two establishments, Inalco and BULAC, are organized under a co-management agreement for what concerns shared spaces.
