Student life master plan

The Schéma Directeur de la Vie Étudiante, drawn up for a five-year period (2023-2028) and voted on by the Inalco Board of Directors at the end of June, aims to define, structure and plan the actions to be implemented for everything to do with student life. The document brings together 19 strategic axes, 11 themes and 113 actions grouped under 3 key words: inclusivity, well-being and commitment.

What is the purpose of a student life master plan at Inalco?

The aim of a student life master plan, or SDVE, is to set out the strategic orientations for student life, and to define, structure and plan actions over a five-year period.
The participative elaboration process places students in the position of actors and enables them to be mobilized, particularly during the proposal formulation phase, in order to adapt these proposals to their operating modes and ensure that student life is designed by students, for students. Students take part in the process both directly - by participating in the initial survey and co-development workshops, and indirectly through their representatives on the CVEC Commission.


Stages in the participatory development process

  • March 28 / April 4, 2022 - Communication campaign on the SDVE project and the student survey.

  • April 4 / April 22, 2022 - Survey of students on their practices, opinions and expectations relating to the various themes of student life (health, sport, culture, community life, etc.).)

  • April 11 / April 22, 2022 - Consultation workshops to gather diagnoses and proposals from certain identified groups (student associations, elected student representatives, students with disabilities, doctoral students) on all student life themes.

  • Late May 2022 - Publication of the results of the survey of students and authorities.

  • May / June 2022 - Co-elaboration workshops (thematic working groups followed by a plenary assembly) to build for each theme the strategic axes and the program of actions, determine milestones and monitoring indicators.

  • May / June 2022 - Consultation of external partners (CROUS, UP, MIE, AFEV, etc.).)

  • June / November 2022 - Co-writing of the SDVE with the consultation workshops and CoCVEC.

  • November / December 2022 - Validation by the authorities: CoCVEC vote, CFVE opinion (02/12), Board vote (16/12)

  • January 1, 2023 - Implementation of the SDVE.

  • June 2025 - Mid-term evaluation


The initial survey


Provoke a click in just a few clicks. That's the aim of this student survey, conducted from April 4 to 22, 2022, which kicks off the participative process of drawing up the Student Life Master Plan (SDVE).
This survey should enable students to draw up a diagnosis of student life at Inalco - in particular to measure their degree of knowledge and satisfaction with the existing offer, and to make proposals in connection with eleven themes :

  • Culture

  • Discrimination and harassment

  • Environmental commitment

  • Disability

  • Integration and communication

  • International mobility

  • Digital (practices, services, help...)

  • Health, prevention and precariousness

  • Sport and well-being

  • Associative life and student commitment

  • Democratic life at Inalco

The results of this survey will be communicated to students and the institution's governing bodies by the end of May, and will serve as a starting point for the thematic working groups organized from May 7 to 13.
[Survey questionnaire PDF]

Co-development workshops

Workshop N°1 (04 to 04/23) - Consultation phase
Meetings with four identified groups:

  • Associations

  • Elusands

  • Doctors

  • Students with disabilities

The groups are consulted on all eleven themes. They draw up a diagnosis (in addition to the questionnaire) and make a first batch of proposals (strategies and actions).
The diagnoses and proposals are broken down by theme. The ten thematic sheets thus drawn up are sent with the survey results to the thematic working groups.
A tool document designed to help with the diagnosis and bring out some initial proposals is sent in advance of the meeting to the various working groups.

Workshop #2 (May 9-14) - Co-development phase: thematic working groups
Thematic working groups (one group for each of the eleven themes)
For each theme, the working group must define:

  • A strategic focus(s)

  • An action plan in line with this focus

  • An immediate objective, key activities and intermediate results

  • Milestones, intermediate targets and indicators for monitoring and evaluation

Workshop N°3 (June) - Co-development phase : plenary meeting of thematic WG participants
Each thematic group presents a summary of its work.
Strategic proposals, action proposals, evaluation proposals, etc. are discussed and amended.
The summary of the debates is sent to CoCVEC, which begins the drafting phase.

Règlement du jeu-concours #DesClicsUnDéclic (617.69 KB, .pdf)

Enquête SDVE - Résultat (948.44 KB, .pdf)