Co-supervision and co-tutelles


A thesis may be supervised by two thesis directors (one at Inalco, the second at another French or foreign institution) if the thesis subject requires support from another discipline or specialty. A convention de codirection is then established.


The arrêté du 25 mai 2016 establishes the terms and conditions for setting up international thesis co-tutelle. This formula is aimed at French or foreign doctoral students in their 1st  year of doctoral studies and is backed by a convention de co-tutelle. The doctoral student registers simultaneously at both establishments, (the doctoral student is exempt from registration fees at one of the two establishments). They spend alternating periods in each of the two countries, conduct their research under the supervision of two co-directors, one French, the other foreign, and are awarded, on the basis of a single thesis defended before a joint jury, the title of doctor from each of the two establishments (double diploma). 
The co-supervision procedure can only be initiated once the doctoral student has been accepted for a doctoral thesis and enrolled at Inalco.
Co-supervision with another foreign higher education institution (enrolled at two universities) reinforces the international dimension of doctoral schools, encourages doctoral students' mobility in different scientific and cultural spaces, and develops scientific cooperation between French and foreign research units.

Convention de co-direction (80.77 KB, .pdf)

Convention de cotutelle en français (391.16 KB, .pdf)

Convention de cotutelle en anglais (238.44 KB, .pdf)