Artificial intelligence at the helm

The Olivaint Conference is organizing a meeting on the theme of "Artificial intelligence at the helm".
Portrait des intervenants
Emmanuel Barthes, Bibliothécaire documentaliste juridique ; Baudouin Arbarétier, Co-fondateur de la start-up d'IA juridique Ordalie.AI et Matthieu ALLAIN, magistrat à la Cour de Cassation © Conférence Olivaint‎

Among the many fields impacted by advances in artificial intelligence, the Law and Justice sector stands out for its ambivalent status and the scale of its future transformations. Ambivalent status because, despite a market estimated at several billion dollars, Justice cannot be reduced to a vertical role within AI applications. Indeed, it is up to Justice to build the regulatory corpus that will frame the development and exploitation of these technologies. However, we must not overlook the impact that AI, and in particular large-scale language models, will have on the legal profession, with over 40% of legal work likely to be carried out by such tools.

The speakers at this round-table discussion will be Emmanuel Barthes, Bibliothécaire documentaliste juridique, specialist in open data and legal AI, Baudouin Arbarétier, Co-founder of the legal AI start-up Ordalie.AI and Matthieu ALLAIN, magistrate at the Cour de Cassation who took part in the LabIA project.