Workshop: Making an endangered language speak: a new didactic approach based on research

17 April 2023


Anke al-Bataineh, INALCO doctor and international specialist in endangered language pedagogy, will talk about research-based methods in language didactics.
Atelier faire parler une langue en danger: une nouvelle didactique basée sur la recherche
Affiche DDL Atelier 17 avril‎
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Having devoted her doctorate to the question of the impact of Armenian schools in terms of maintaining and revitalizing the Western Armenian language in the diaspora, Dr. al-Bataineh will present her experiences in formulating research questions, preparing fieldwork, and reporting on the findings of her doctoral research. She will explain the documented shortcomings of certain approaches that are nonetheless widespread, and present alternative methods and their scientific foundations in several epistemological traditions. She will also discuss the digital tools she has developed to support curriculum transformation and accompany language teachers at risk, as well as the challenges involved in implementing the approaches she proposes.

Poster for the event :

Affiche atelier lundi 17 avril (1.39 MB, .pdf)