Foundations and practices of diplomacy

Would you like to familiarize yourself with the fundamentals and practices of diplomacy in bilateral and multilateral contexts, particularly in East Asia?

Organized in partnership with the Ecole nationale d'administration publique de Montréal (ENAP), and Temple University Tokyo, the "Fundamentals and Practices of Diplomacy" summer school will hold its fourth session from May 20 to 24, 2024 at Temple University Tokyo (Japan), after three successful first editions in Washington DC (2023), Paris (2022) and Montreal (2021).
Conférence des Non-Alignés, Belgrade, 1961
Conférence des Non-Alignés, Belgrade, 1961 © Musée d'histoire de la Yougoslavie‎

This course presents the foundations and practices of diplomatic activity in different regional contexts, with a focus on Asia and the Indo-Pacific for the 2024 edition. It aims to familiarize students with developments in this field of activity in a context marked by the shift of global issues to the South, the dilution of sovereign activities and the diversification of players in the diplomatic field. Particular attention will be paid, in the context of the 2024 edition, to the emergence of the Indo-Pacific as a diplomatic and strategic center of gravity, and to the singularity of diplomatic practices that are being recomposed in this space.

Students will thus be able to become acquainted with decision-making circuits, political and legal frameworks and diplomatic methods, and familiarize themselves with the different contexts in which international negotiations are conducted.

Over the course of a week of intensive training, students will be immersed in diplomatic discussions and debates during some 30 hours of lectures and practical exercises, alternating between lectures by researchers, exchanges with practitioners, on-site visits to embassies and/or think-tanks, and practical exercises.
They will be able to identify the particularities of different regional practices and agendas, identify the strategies to be favored in international negotiations, and gain a better understanding of the pathways to diplomatic careers in France, Canada and Japan.

The courses will be based on a reading guide that will be discussed during the week, and listeners will have the opportunity to interact with other trainees from the Francophonie, the USA and Japan.

The training entitles participants to Inalco and Énap certification, subject to completing a practical exercise implementing the week's teachings.

The summer school is implemented within the framework of a conventioned partnership between Inalco and the Ecole nationale d'administration publique de Montréal (ENAP), to which is added this year Tokyo Temple University, which will host the courses on its premises.

Participation in organizational costs amounts to €500 for Inalco students, €700 for external students and professionals.
Inalco students will be able to apply for financial assistance, up to a maximum of €1,500.
Travel, accommodation and catering costs are the responsibility of participants.
Open primarily to Masters-level students and above, the summer school is open to all, subject to a limit of 18 places per partner institution.


  • December 18: opening of applications
  • February 15: communication of the first results (main list and waiting list) and opening of registrations (deadline set for March 30; back of the queue as withdrawals occur and continued examination of applications as time goes by)
  • April 2: communication of travel assistance decisions (Inalco students only)
  • May 1: deadline for partial reimbursement of registration fees in the event of withdrawal
