International relations

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Created in 1986 by the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales, the International Relations sector trains specialists in international relations with in-depth knowledge of a non-Western area and a command of one or more Oriental languages.
La carte de Fra Mauro (1459)
La carte de Fra Mauro (1459) © Wikimedia Commons‎

The bachelor's and master's degree courses combine the study of contemporary political and international issues, through a solid multidisciplinary curriculum in the social sciences (political science, history, public law, economics), with knowledge of a political and cultural area and proficiency in one or more Eastern languages.

The professional and specialized courses focus on specific practices and/or objects (humanitarian negotiations, foreign policies) approached from a comparative and contextualized perspective.

Diplomas and courses

Plaquette - RI (2.55 MB, .pdf)

FAQ Filière RI Inalco (140.96 KB, .pdf)

Sector administration

Director: Sébastien COLIN
Deputy director: Damien SIMONNEAU
Director of studies: Jenna MARTIN 
Pedagogical manager: Clémence MILCARECK