Couverture Histoire des procès des collaborateurs

The history of the trials of collaborators in Greece (1944-1949)


Dimitris Kousouris

38 €

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The history of the judicial purge of Greek collaborators at the end of the Second World War has just been written thanks to Dimitris Kousouris.

Through this work, French readers gain precise access to the events and partisan logics (nationalist, royalist, anti-democratic, communist) that turned Greece, but also Europe, upside down from 1944 to 1949.

The analysis of these times of war(s) is exemplary because, on the one hand, it dismantles the mechanisms of conflict production (civil war, Cold War) and, on the other, it helps us understand how, with the trials of the Special Tribunal for Collaborators in Athens, the legal devices employed enabled the myth of a unanimously resistant nation to be spread by integrating a large proportion of former collaborators, while excluding mass resistance.

This book has the merit of bringing together what still makes our world contradictory: the incessant generation of fratricidal civil conflicts and the search for processes of symbolic reparation.


Dimitris Kousouris, who received his doctorate from EHESS (Paris) in 2009, has since taught at the universities of Crete, Chicago, Constance, Columbia and EHESS. He is currently assistant professor in the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek History at the University of Vienna (Austria).

440 pages
16 x 24 cm
Publication: 26/09/2017
ISBN: 9782858312597