Couverture Sengo

Sengo, Japan after the war


Michael Lucken, Anne Bayard-Sakai & Emmanuel Lozerand

38 €

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In Japan, the Second World War and the American occupation are still relevant today.

Between deep conviction and the instrumentalization of memory, the reading of the history of the 1940s still determines many positions on the Archipelago's political and cultural scene, whether it's constitutional reform, relations with China and the United States, or the commemoration of the nation's heroes. In this sense, and perhaps more than elsewhere, the post-war period is a reality of the present.

This book examines in a precise and orderly fashion the different modalities of the relationship to war. To highlight the breadth and complexity of the theme, many fields are explored here, such as politics, education, the environment, but also the arts and literature.

The contributions gathered within this book have been written by some of the best specialists in modern and contemporary Japan. In the appendix, several key historical texts are presented and translated, such as the imperial declaration of August 15, 1945, or the main American report on strategic bombing.


Michael Lucken, professor at Inalco and director of the Centre d'Études Japonaises (CEJ) is a historian. His latest publications are: Nakai Masakazu, naissance de la théorie critique au Japon(2015), les Fleurs artificielles: création, imitation et logique de domination (2016), Japon, l'archipel du sens (2016).

Anne Bayard-Sakai, professor at Inalco, is a specialist in literature. She has translated many modern and contemporary authors, including Enchi Fumiko, Tanizaki Jun.ichirō, Ōe Kenzaburō and Kaikō Ken. She has published the Parole comme art: le raguko japonais (1992)

Emmanuel Lozerand is a professor at Inalco and deputy director of the CEJ. His latest publications are the Modern Japanese Family(2011), Drôles d'individus(2014). He has also translated historical narratives by Mori Ōgai: Vengeance on the Plain of the Temple of Goji- in (2008), A Sickbed Six Feet Long (2016).

466 pages
16 x 24 cm
Publication: 26/09/2017
ISBN: 9782858312467