Specialized research

Research at Inalco combines area studies and academic disciplines, the junction of which is particularly innovative and fruitful in scientific terms. Our researchers study languages and cultures that are increasingly in the spotlight—Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and as far as the Arctic—and are central to the major issues of the 21st century.
Recherche - Transcaucases - nov 2014
Recherche - Transcaucases - nov 2014 © DR Inalco - Elodie Guignard‎

15 teams—often partnered with other research organizations—our top-class PhD programs, and a major international publishing service form the backbone of research at Inalco. We also have a project management and knowledge transfer service.

Strong support for PhD students

Inalco supports doctoral students from their enrollment to defense of their dissertation, offering advanced courses on area studies and in the main disciplines of the humanities and social sciences. In concert with Sorbonne Paris Cité’s College of Doctoral Schools and Career Development Training Center for PhD students, we also work to enhance the prestige of doctorates among employers and develop PhD students’ transferable skills and adaptability.

An organizational structure to facilitate research

The research teams, administration offices and doctoral school are housed at 2 rue de Lille, in a building dedicated entirely to research, with access to a full range of support functions: assistance in preparing research proposals and grant applications, organizing scientific events, looking for partnerships and funding, publication support, internal funding, and communication.

14 Research Units


Key figures

  • 200 tenured faculty
  • 300 PhD students
  • 14 research teams
  • 100 scientific events a year