Alliances & networks

Strategic Alliances for the Advancement of Knowledge
Our commitment to collaboration extends beyond borders, forming strategic alliances with renowned institutions to enrich our research and broaden our academic horizons.
Partnership with the IEA - Institut d'Études Avancées
Inalco is proud of its partnership with the Institut d'Études Avancées (IEA). This collaboration stimulates academic excellence by providing a dedicated space for advanced research. Renowned researchers work jointly with Inalco, contributing to innovative projects and expanding the frontiers of knowledge.
This partnership enables Inalco to support foreign researchers' applications to IEA's annual "Long Research Residency" call.
For more information on this, please visit the IEA website, by clicking here.
Partnership with CNRS (INSHS)
In close collaboration with CNRS's Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (INSHS), Inalco is strengthening its impact in the humanities and social sciences. This partnership fosters interdisciplinary research projects, encouraging the cross-fertilization of knowledge and methodologies to tackle complex issues.
This partnership enables Inalco to support the applications of Inalco teacher-researchers wishing to apply to the INSHS annual call "Soutien à la mobilité internationale entrante Incoming" for mobility in a UMIFRE.
Member of Groupements d'Intérêt Scientifique (Gis)
Inalco plays an active role as a member of the Groupements d'Intérêt Scientifique (GIS) "Religions - pratiques, textes, pouvoirs", "Etudes africaines en France", "Moyen-Orient et mondes musulmans", "Institut du genre", "Réseau Thématique En Acquisition Des Langues Secondes", "Institut des Amériques" and "Etudes asiatiques". These groups foster international collaboration by bringing together experts and institutions sharing a common interest in specific regions and fields, strengthening our global network.
Key Initiatives:
Researcher Exchanges: Partnerships and SIGs facilitate researcher exchanges, promoting international mobility and enriching perspectives.
Collaborative Research Projects: These strategic alliances fuel collaborative research projects, generating innovative results and contributing to the production of cutting-edge knowledge.
Participation in International Events: Inalco, as a member of the SIGs, actively participates in international events, contributing to crucial scientific dialogues on a global scale.
Thesis awards: The Scientific Interest Groups (SIGs) with which Inalco is affiliated play an active role in academic recognition by offering thesis awards, thus encouraging excellence in research within their respective fields.
China project CoREF (Knowledge - Research, Expertise, Training)
Professional networks
Inalco stands out as an academic institution committed not only to academic excellence, but also to active collaboration with various professional networks. As a member of several specialized networks, Inalco is fully committed to enriching the professional experience of its students and strengthening its own network of influence. These strategic partnerships offer Inalco a unique platform for fostering knowledge exchange, developing cutting-edge skills, and creating fruitful synergies with other institutions and key players. Here are just a few examples:
Correspondant Europe:
This network of professionals, initiated by France Université, is positioned as an exclusive collaborative platform, bringing together engineers and managers of European projects. Members of this network are experts in the coordination and implementation of a wide range of projects. The diversity of skills, combined with the support of France Université, provides fertile ground for the exchange of ideas and best practices. The network offers a unique framework for sharing knowledge, collaboratively solving challenges specific to European projects, and developing strategic partnerships. Members benefit from privileged access to exclusive resources, specialized training and high-level networking events.
Cap Recherche:
CAP Recherche, Conseil et Appui aux Projets de Recherche, is the professional network bringing together people in charge of supporting scientists in the submission and administrative, financial and legal implementation of their research projects to national public funding bodies.
The Huma-Num DISTAM (DIgital STudies Africa, Asia, Middle East) consortium notebook is designed as a reference and work space for the development of digital humanities applied to areal studies. It is aimed at researchers, research engineers and librarians alike. The aim is to facilitate access to reference resources in digital humanities: corpus creation and editing, text mining, enriched reporting of holdings and visualization of geographic and temporal data. It is also to reflect on the ethical and legal issues specific to digital data and metadata relating to its areas of specialization.
Réseau des vice-présidentes et vice-présidents recherche et valorisation and Réseau des Responsables Recherche des établissements d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche (R3Sup):
These networks work to promote excellence in research within higher education institutions.