Student life master plan

The Schéma Directeur de la Vie Étudiante (SDVE), drawn up for a five-year period (2023-2028) and voted on by the Inalco Board of Directors in June 2023, aims to define, structure and plan the actions to be implemented for everything to do with student life. The document brings together 19 strategic axes, 11 themes and 113 actions grouped under 3 key words: inclusivity, well-being and commitment.

What is the purpose of a student life master plan at Inalco?

The aim of a student life master plan (or SDVE) is to set out the strategic orientations for student life, and to define, structure and plan actions over a five-year period.
The participative elaboration process that led to the creation of this master plan placed students in the position of actors and enabled them to be mobilized, particularly in the formulation phase of the proposals, in order to adapt these to their modes of operation and to ensure that student life is designed by students and for students.

Students took part in the process both directly - by participating in the initial survey and co-elaboration workshops, and indirectly through their representatives on the CVEC commission.


View document

Schéma Directeur de la Vie Étudiante 2023 - 2028.pdf (9.68 MB, .pdf)

Development methodology

#DesClicsUnDéclic © Inalco‎

1 - The initial #DesClicsUnDéclic survey

Provoke a click of the mouse. That's the aim of this student survey, conducted from April 4 to 24, 2022, which set in motion the participatory process to draw up Inalco's Schéma Directeur de la Vie Étudiante.

This survey enabled students to establish a diagnosis of student life at Inalco by measuring their degree of knowledge and satisfaction with the existing offer, and to make proposals to feed the reflection of working groups on the following eleven themes: culture, discrimination and harassment; environmental commitment; disability, integration and communication; international mobility; digital (practices, services, help...); health, prevention and precariousness; sport and wellbeing; associative life and student commitment and democratic life at Inalco.

Etudiants avec questionnaire
Enquête #DesClicsUnDéclic © REVE (Inalco)‎

2 - Consultation and co-development workshops

<1 - Consultation phase

Associations, elected representatives, doctoral students and students with disabilities were consulted on all eleven themes in order to establish a diagnosis (complementary to that from the questionnaire) and make a first batch of proposals (strategies and actions).
Thematic sheets (drawn up from the diagnoses and proposals) were sent with the survey results to the thematic working groups.


2 - Co-development phase: thematic working groups
11 thematic working groups were set up to define:

  • Strategic axes

  • An action plan within this axis

  • An immediate objective, essential activities and intermediate results

  • Milestones, intermediate targets, indicators, with a view to monitoring and evaluation.

Etudiants avec questionnaire
Enquête #DesClicsUnDéclic © REVE (Inalco)‎

3 - Co-development phase: plenary meeting of thematic WG participants
Each thematic group presented a summary of its work.
The strategic, action and evaluation proposals were discussed and amended.
The summary of the debates was sent to the CVEC Commission, which began the drafting phase.

Enseignants autour d'une table
Commission des études juin 2016 © Inalco‎

3 - Consultation and drafting

The drafting of the SDVE required numerous consultations with external partners (CROUS, UP, MIE, AFEV, etc.) as well as various departments and referents within Inalco (DRI, SIOIP, SEAC, DSCIRN, etc.).

It therefore began in summer/autumn 2022 and was resumed in January/March 2023 in consultation with the CVEC Commission.

The various stages in the development of the Student Life Master Plan

Les étapes de l’élaboration du SDVE
Les étapes de l’élaboration du SDVE © INALCO‎

3 priorities, namely:

Visuel journées du handicap
Visuel journées du handicap 2023 © Inalco REVE‎


The SDVE implements concrete initiatives to promote inclusivity, such as providing personalized support services for students with disabilities, raising awareness of diversity and inclusion, and adapting our infrastructure and programs to meet the needs of all students.

Journées Santé et bien-être 2022
Journées Santé et bien-être 2022 © Inalco‎


Aware of the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on students' mental health and general well-being, SDVE is also focusing on the notion of well-being. From initiatives such as Cafés Santé through wellness activities to integration into the EUniwell European alliance, we firmly believe that student wellbeing is an essential part of their university experience, and directly influences their academic success, personal fulfillment and social integration.

Membres du Bureau de la vie étudiante (BVE) de l'Inalco
Membres du Bureau de la vie étudiante (BVE) de l'Inalco‎


Student involvement is also an important factor in well-being and success. It helps develop citizenship and a spirit of openness, fosters social ties and the assumption of responsibility, and enables students to acquire skills in settings other than their course of study.

4 share categories

Structuring actions
Actions to support existing practices
Fundamental actions
Actions that call for action


Etat d’avancement SDVE
Etat d’avancement SDVE © INALCO‎