Professional support

CROUS de Paris social services
Crous social workers are responsible for implementing the specific aid scheme under:
The annual allowance : this aid is the equivalent of a social criteria grant.
L'aide spécifique ponctuelle: this aid is designed to ensure that you can continue your studies despite a serious situation arising during the academic year.
For further information, you can contact the CROUS de Paris social service or find out more at
Permanence at Inalco
To get in touch with Inalco's social worker, please make an appointment by clicking below.
Counselling and psychological support
The centers are open to all Parisian students, regardless of the higher education institution they attend. The aim is to welcome, support and/or guide students towards a healthcare approach. Consultations are confidential and free of charge for students.
Find out about all the psychological support services available on the page below.

A wide range of services are available free of charge in the Académie de Paris.