Tuition fees (rates, waivers, cancellations, refunds)
Exemption requests
REMINDER: Exemption decisions are made by the President of the institution, in application of general criteria set by the Board of Directors and within the limit of 10% of enrolled students, not including persons mentioned in article R719-49 of the Education Code, article R719-50-1 of the Education Code, and article R4123-43 of the Defense Code.
Read the Inalco President's Order 2024-2025 on registration periods, terms and conditions, cancellations, refunds and exemptions in the right-hand side panel.
Exempt students must pay the CVEC.
Specific distance learning (EAD) fees added to registration fees are not exempt.
Exemptions do not apply to registrations:
- under the status of continuing education trainee
- in Minor (unless provided for by a valid agreement)
- in Passport except for alumni, who can benefit from a 25% reduction
A student, whose exemption has been accepted, is exempt from a single registration (the main registration). However, upon duly justified request and on an exceptional basis, a maximum of a second course may be exempted following the opinion of the commission responsible for examining requests for exemption, cancellation and reimbursement.
Requests for exemption must be renewed each year by the student.
Exemptions from registration fees are not granted for the following reasons:
- The request does not fall within the criteria defined by Inalco's Board of Directors or current national regulations.
- Late date of application: deadline set at September 16, 2024 (except for first-time doctoral students, non-EU students, refugees, stateless persons, beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary protection, asylum seekers: deadline at November 1, 2024).
Total exemption by right after verification of supporting documents
- Scholarship recipients
- Pupils of the Nation
- Children of certain military personnel wounded or killed accidentally in peacetime
Total exemption by right after verification of supporting documents
- Scholarship recipients
- Pupils of the Nation
- Children of certain military personnel wounded or killed accidentally in peacetime
Procedure on simple request:
- For exemption requests in Doctorate, forward the request by email to
- For exemption requests in Licence, Master, Diplômes d'établissement, transmit the request by email to
Beneficiaries of a higher education grant awarded by the State (supporting document: notification de bourse 2024-2025 mentionnant l'Inalco comme établissement d'inscription)
> Pupille de la Nation (pièce justificative : photocopie du jugement d'adoption par la Nation)
Enfants de certains militaires blessés ou tué accidentellement en temps de paix (pièce justificative : attestation du Ministère des Armées)
Date limite des demandes d'exonération : le 16 septembre 2024 (sauf doctorants primo-entrants : le 1er novembre 2024)
Total exemption by decision of the Chairman after verification of supporting documents
- Refugees, stateless persons, beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary protection, asylum seekers
- Workers deprived of employment without compensation
- RSA recipients, parent or future single parent
- Students with disabilities
- International students (Erasmus-type exchange or international cooperation agreement)
- Students enrolled in a course governed by a national or international agreement that provides for exemption
Total exemption by decision of the Chairman after verification of supporting documents
- Refugees, stateless persons, beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary protection, asylum seekers
- Workers deprived of employment without compensation
- RSA recipients, parent or future single parent
- Students with disabilities
- International students (Erasmus-type exchange or international cooperation agreement)
- Students enrolled in a course governed by a national or international agreement that provides for exemption
Procedure on simple request:
- For exemption requests in Doctorate, forward the request by email to
- For exemption requests in Bachelor's, Master's, Diplômes d'établissement, transmit the request by email to
Refugees, stateless persons, beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary protection, asylum seekers (supporting document: carte de résident avec le statut de réfugié ou de la carte OFPRA ou récépissé de demande de titre de séjour valant autorisation de séjour et portant la mention " reconnu réfugié " ou " apatride " ou " a obtenu le bénéfice de la protection subsidiaire ", autorisation provisoire de séjour portant la mention " bénéficiant de la protection temporaire ", attestation de dépôt de la demande d'asile)
>Workers deprived of employment (not compensated) (supporting document: attestation from Pôle Emploi less than 3 months old specifying that the student is not receiving an indemnity)
>RSA holder, single parent or future single parent (supporting document: CAF certificate)
> Disabled student receiving disabled adult allowance (disability rate equal to or greater than 80%)
> International student enrolled in an exchange program (Erasmus type), an international cooperation agreement ratified by the CA (supporting document: certificate of enrolment from the main establishment in France or abroad)
Student enrolled in a course governed by a national or international agreement that provides for exemption (supporting document: certificate of enrolment from the main establishment in France or abroad)
Deadline for applications for exemption: September 16, 2024 (except for first-time doctoral students, refugees, stateless persons, beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary protection, asylum seekers: November 1, 2024)
Exemption decided by the Chairman after consulting the commission
Students who request it because of their personal situation
Exemption decided by the Chairman after consulting the commission
Students who request it because of their personal situation
Exoneration upon decision of the President after advice of the commission in charge of examining requests for exoneration and cancellation and reimbursement
Procedure on simple request:
- For Doctorate exemption requests, forward the request by email to
- For Bachelor's, Master's, Institutional Diploma exemption requests, forward the request by email to
Exemption request deadline: September 16, 2024 (except for first-time doctoral students: November 1, 2024)
>Students who apply because of their personal situation. The request is subject to the opinion of the commission responsible for examining requests for exemption, cancellation and reimbursement.
The commission will base its decision in particular on the following general criteria:
- The student's personal situation (resources, family, state of health, etc.)
- Results in the course of study
- Attendance to lessons
- Respect for the terms and deadlines for submitting the request
Partial exemption for non-EU students
Partial exemption for non-EU students
Registration fees for national diplomas are equivalent to those for French and EU students. Non-EU students (mentioned in article 8 of the order of April 19, 2019) are eligible for a partial exemption from registration fees in a national diploma, without having to apply for it. This exemption results in these students paying the registration fee amounts set for EU students (supporting document: any document attesting to non-EU student status)
Partial exemption for alumni
Partial exemption for alumni
The exemption is 25% in Passeport Langues O', and corresponds to the reduced rates voted each year for degree courses (supporting document: any document attesting to up-to-date membership of the Inalco Alumni network).
Registration cancellation and refund
REMINDER: All users of Inalco's public service must complete their administrative registration according to the procedures and schedules set by Inalco and pay the registration fees corresponding to the course(s) attended each year.
Any registration at Inalco is annual and definitive and is not cancelled except in the situations set out below (excluding continuing education trainees).
At the beginning of the academic year: cancellation and refund request
At the beginning of the academic year: cancellation and refund request
At the start of the academic year: request for cancellation and reimbursement of registration fees (deadline October 30, 2024)
The decree of April 19, 2019 provides for the reimbursement by right of students renouncing their national diploma registration before the start of the academic year, except for the sum of 23 euros remaining acquired by the establishment for the administrative acts required for registration.
Please refer to the Inalco President's Order 2024 -2025 concerning registration periods, terms and conditions, cancellations, reimbursements and exemptions at the top of the page.
Inalco extends this right of cancellation and reimbursement for students renouncing their registration for an institutional diploma or non-degree course, and extends it to October 30, 2024 (to November 15, 2024 for doctoral students).
Any decision to cancel enrolment at Inalco entails, when the full fee has been paid by the user, the reimbursement of the full enrolment fee, subject to a sum of 23 euros remaining acquired by the establishment for management acts required for enrolment, in accordance with the rate set by ministerial decree.
Cancellation and reimbursement are effective only when the student has returned his or her student card.
The request for reimbursement of the CVEC paid is to be made directly by students to the CROUS.
Procedure on simple request:
- For requests for cancellation and refund of Licence, Master, Diplômes d'établissement and Passport registration fees, forward the request by email to
- For requests for cancellation and refund of Doctorate registration fees, forward the request by email to
During the academic year: cancellation and refund request
During the academic year: cancellation and refund request
During the academic year: request for cancellation and refund of registration fees (deadline December 15, 2024)
After October 30, 2024 (or November 15, 2024 for PhD students), cancellation and refund of registration fees may be granted by the President, exceptionally and on reasoned request received by December 15, 2024 at the latest. No requests for cancellation or reimbursement after this date will be considered (except in the case of death).
Requests will be subject to the prior opinion of the committee responsible for examining requests for exemption, cancellation and reimbursement, which will examine the reasons (in particular changes in personal or professional circumstances, enrolment in several courses). Cancellation of administrative registration during the academic year does not systematically entail reimbursement of fees. The commission decides whether to refund (in full or in part) or not, depending in particular on the courses taken and attendance at 1st semester exams.
In the event of a decision to refund all or part of the enrolment fee, the sum of 23 euros remains with the establishment for administrative acts required for enrolment, in accordance with the rate set by ministerial decree.
Cancellation and reimbursement are effective only when the student has returned his or her student card.
The request for reimbursement of the CVEC paid is to be made directly by students to the CROUS.
Find out about the consequences of cancelling university registration in the decree on registration periods, terms and conditions, cancellation, refunds and exemptions at the top of the page.
File-based procedure:
- To receive the file requesting cancellation and refund of registration fees for Licence, Master, Diplômes d'établissement and Passport, write the request by email to
Dropping out in second semester
Dropping out in second semester
After 12/15/2024, requests for cancellation of administrative registration with or without reimbursement of the academic year will not be accepted.
Any request received after this date by the Registrar's Office corresponds to a withdrawal from studies (or resignation) effective from the second semester of the academic year in question. Registration fees will not be refunded. All requests to withdraw from studies must be submitted before the last week of classes in the 2nd semester (i.e. by April 6, 2024 at the latest).
The consequences of dropping out:
Administrative registration is not cancelled in the school management database
Grades obtained in the 1stsemester of the year in question and validated by the jury are retained
Pedagogical registration for the second semester is cancelled
No attendance at classes and exams for the second semester
The academic year in question is counted as part of the university curriculum
Students receiving a grant must inform the CROUS as soon as possible that they are dropping out. Withdrawal from studies leads to suspension of scholarship payments by the CROUS