LaCAS platform

Bannière LaCAS © LaCAS 2024‎

LaCAS is a knowledge base dedicated to the world's geopolitical, cultural and linguistic areas. It is a tool for promoting French research in areal studies to the general public, while meeting the needs of the academic community.

The project

LaCAS is a reference platform for areal studies in France. It centralizes in a single access point all the resources produced on the world's cultural and linguistic areas, documented through a wide variety of formats:

  • Textual fund: over 85,000 resources (articles, theses, conference proceedings...)
  • Film fund : over 2000 resources (scientific events, interviews, documentaries...)
  • Visual fund : more than 50,000 resources (researcher archives, photographs, maps...)
  • Sound fund : more than 140 resources (scientific events, interviews, podcasts...)

Open science

The LaCAS project uses the data made available by open science to democratize areal studies. As such, it is a structuring element of Inalco's open science policy. This policy relies on digital transformation to disseminate research results without hindrance. LaCAS collects resources deposited in the HAL open archive and the Nakala and Zenodo data warehouses in order to map French research in the field of areal studies.

Chaîne de traitement des données de la recherche © LaCAS 2024‎

The platform

LaCAS is based on the articulation of two complementary interfaces which enable the processing and enhancement of research data.


LaCAS data

Interface dedicated to the retrieval, structuring, indexing and enrichment of multimodal resources, enhanced with tools at the service of areal studies.


LaCAS publications

Interface dedicated to the editorialization and enhancement of resources available on LaCAS data, through 4 headings:

Manuscrit enluminé © Walters Art Museum‎

Panorama of a researcher's work

enfants de rue
Enfants de rue, Cambodge © Jean-Pierre Dalbéra‎

Dossiers devoted to a field, objects or a research problem

Tupi-Guarani © Wikipedia commons‎
Geographical areas

Mapping languages, cultures and societies of the world's regions

Lanternes chinoises © Suki Lee‎
Au fil du temps

Corpus themed around historical events, eras or processes

Content production

Since 2021, LaCAS has been responsible for the production of two audiovisual programs promoting areal studies in all their diversity. Within this framework, more than 150 researchers from all disciplines, affiliated with Inalco and other institutions, have been interviewed.

Liens de sous-pages

Letter(s) from LaCAS

Bimonthly, this newsletter aims to promote the content available on the LaCAS platform.

A first part,The news according to LaCAS, offers an original perspective on a topical theme with the help of a selection of scientific articles.

A second part, The news from LaCAS, provides information on the latest advances on the platform and the work carried out by the LaCAS team to always better promote and enhance research results. Some of the content in this section is available on the Hypothesis research notebook.

Homme de la tribu Lahu, Thaïlande © Alek Shnayder‎
News from LaCAS
LaCAS news

Useful information

Download the brochure

Brochure numérique (4.13 MB, .pdf)


Project carried out with the support of:

Paris Cité