Entretiens I-DEA - Audiovisual illustration and documentation of areal studies

The I-DEA collection
I-DEA interviews present research themes developed by a researcher in areal studies, approached from different angles: issues, fields, methodologies, challenges.
Two types of interviews are offered:
- Interviews conducted at the Pôle des langues et des civilisations (Paris 13ème) or at the Maison de la recherche de l'Inalco (Paris 7ème);
- Interviews conducted in research units or speakers' offices.
In exceptional cases, interviews can also be conducted remotely.
The main objectives of this program are to:
- Constitute a living and freely accessible scientific heritage of research on world languages, societies and cultures;
- Participate in Inalco's initiatives in favor of open science and the promotion of French research on world languages and civilizations;
- Represent the landscape of areal studies in France in all its diversity.
This audiovisual collection is deposited on the HAL open archive, and joins the multimodal data set available on the LaCAS platform. It feeds a new type of publication, focus, which, based on interviews conducted with a researcher, highlights research conducted in the field of areal studies.