Thesis supervisors

Center for Southeast Asia (CASE, UMR 8170)
Center études et recherches sur littératures et oralités du monde (CERLOM, EA 4124)
Center for Research on the Iranian World (CeRMI 8041)
Middle East and Mediterranean Research Center (CERMOM, EA 4091)
Center études sc sociales sur mondes africains américains asiatiques (CESSMA, UMR 245)
Europes-Eurasia Research Center (CREE, EA 4513)
Center de recherches linguistiques sur l'Asie orientale (CRLAO, UMR 8563)
Research team in "texts, information technology and multilingualism" (ERTIM, EA 2520)
French Institute for East Asian Research (IFRAE - UMR 8043)
Oral Languages and Civilizations Laboratory (LACITO, UMR 7107)
Languages and cultures of North Africa and diasporas (LACNAD, EA 4092)
Language, languages and cultures of Africa (LLACAN, UMR 8135)
Plurality of languages and identities: didactics, acquisition, mediation (PLIDAM, EA 4514)
Structure and dynamics of languages (SeDyL UMR 8202)