Mon Dossier Web: the school tracking application

What is MyWebFolder?

Available since July 2020, MonDossierWeb is an application that gives students secure, digital access to their administrative files.

In particular, it allows you to download the current year's certificate of attendance directly online.

Who is concerned by MonDossierWeb?

Students are the main ones concerned.

What can be found in MyFileWeb?

The MyDossierWeb application is made up of 3 sections:

  • Civil status: displays civil status information (student number, surname, first name ...)
  • Inscriptions: displays your course of study and allows you to download the certificate of attendance
  • Logout: when you've finished viewing information, remember to log out of the application

How to access the application

The student connects to MonDossierWeb via the Environnement Numérique de Travail (ENT) accessible from with your digital account credentials.

Note: you'll notice that the display differs slightly depending on whether you're viewing the site from a computer or a smartphone. The interface is more complete on a computer.

We therefore advise you to consult MonDossierWeb from a computer for the time being.

Who to contact in the event of a problem?

In the event of a problem, please contact your school department at the following address: