Financial assistance

Depending on the nature of your departure abroad (study stay, field research for your dissertation, summer mobility, etc.), you are potentially eligible for a mobility grant. Below you'll find all the grants offered by Inalco, broken down according to the nature of your mobility.
Studying abroad
Studying abroad
This section concerns students taking part - as part of their Inalco curriculum - in a one- or two-semester study stay at an Inalco partner university.
For whom?
All students undertaking a study stay supervised by the International Relations Department, at an Inalco partner university.
Amount of aid
- Mobilities outside Europe: €400 per month of course, up to a limit of 9 months for an academic year.
- Intra-European mobilities via Erasmus: we invite you to consult the webpage dedicated to Erasmus+ mobilities.
How to apply
Applications for international mobility grants should be submitted during your department's international mobility campaign.
Please note: this financial aid - awarded by Inalco for a study stay abroad - cannot be combined with any other mobility-related funding: CSC scholarship, BLC, MEXT, JASSO, DUO-KOREA, Bourse arabisante, etc.). However, students with CROUS scholarships may retain their CROUS scholarship in full, while also receiving a mobility grant from Inalco.
Master Help
Master Help
Inalco distributes a portion of the funds allocated to the FSDIE (Fonds de solidarité et de développement des initiatives étudiantes), in the form of financial aid that enables successful applicants to undertake a language or study enhancement trip, during the university summer vacation, to the country or region whose language they are studying.
Inalco's Student Success and Student Life department is responsible for processing applications.
For whom?
For students up to and including M1 who have already completed at least one full year at Inalco.
Please note, this assistance is not available to students taking a minor, DL, DC, introductory diploma, intensive diploma or Passeport Langues'O'.
Students who have already received travel assistance or other assistance (international mobility grant, Erasmus+ or non-Erasmus+) are not eligible. Grants cannot be combined.
For what type of mobility?
To undertake a trip to the country or area whose language you are studying, for linguistic and cultural immersion. This trip must take place during the summer vacations of the current academic year, with a return no later than the day before the start of the new academic year.
How to apply?
Go to the "Travel Assistance" section of the Scholarships and Financial Aid page to find out all about the application procedures and opportunities offered by this scheme.
You'll find plenty of information in the "Travel Assistance" section on the Scholarships and Financial Aid page and in the news feed on the Campus Life page. This information will be updated regularly. If in doubt, please contact the REVE service.