Elections to the Board of Directors and Scientific Advisory Board
Voting for the Board of Directors and Scientific Council
Next elections: December 9-11, 2024 (1st round) and December 16-18, 2023 (2nd round)
Who votes?
The terms of office of student representatives on the Board of Directors and the Scientific Council are coming to an end. New elections must therefore be held to renew their seats. The following are eligible to vote:
On the board of directors:
- students regularly enrolled at Inalco in preparation for a first-year undergraduate degree (L1) - college of "1st-year undergraduate students";
- students regularly enrolled at Inalco in preparation for a degree other than a first-year degree (L2; L3; M1; M2) - college of "other students";
- students regularly enrolled at Inalco in a postgraduate course (doctorate).
At the Scientific Council:
- students regularly enrolled at Inalco in a postgraduate course (doctorate).
Posting of electoral lists | Monday, November 12, 2024 | |
Filing of candidacies (deadlines) | From Friday, November 21, 2024 (9am) to Tuesday, December 2, 2024 (12pm) | |
1st round of voting | from December 9 to December 11, 2024 | |
2nd ballot | from December 16 to 18, 2023 | |
Counting of votes | at the end of the ballot | |
Proclamation of results | within 3 days of the end of operations |
Number of seats available :
On the Board of Directors
1st-year undergraduate students
Two-round first-past-the-post vote
- Term: 1 year
- Seats: 2 seats (2 incumbents/2 alternates)
Other students
List system with proportional representation at highest average without panachage
- Term: 2 years
- Seats: 4 seats (4 full members/4 alternates)
Students enrolled in postgraduate training (PhD students)
Two-round first-past-the-post system
- Term: 2 years
- Seats: 2 seats (2 full members /2 alternates)
On the scientific council
Students enrolled in postgraduate training (PhD students)
List system with proportional representation at the highest average without panachage
- Term: 2 years
- Seats: 6 seats (6 titular / 6 substitute)
Why vote?
The Board of Directors is one of the central bodies where the institute's general policy is decided and its rules of life determined. Students therefore have an important place on it, and only a high turnout will make your representatives legitimate during debates.
As such, the Board of Directors deliberates on:
- The general orientations of the establishment;
- The teaching and research program and the establishment contract;
- The rules relating to student admission conditions;
- The budget and its modifications;
- The financial account and the allocation of results ;
- The establishment's internal regulations;
- Acquisitions, disposals and exchanges of real estate;
- Borrowings, the acquisition of financial holdings and the creation of subsidiaries;
- Gifts and bequests;
- Legal actions and settlements.
As for the scientific council, it:
- analyzes the establishment's educational and scientific situation;
- participates in drawing up the teaching and research program;
- is consulted on the allocation of budgeted research credits;
- is consulted on the creation of professorial posts.
Running for office
How to do it ?
Just fill in the application form below.
Please note - for list ballots ("other students" college on the Board of Directors and "doctoral students" college on the Scientific Council):
- Each candidate on the list must also complete an individual candidacy form (below)
- Candidates will be ranked in preferential order
- Each list of candidates is composed alternately of one candidate of each gender
For full information on how to stand for election, you can consult the guide below and the following page: https://www.inalco.fr/se-presenter-aux-elections
Candidate's guide to student elections
Guide du candidat aux élections étudiantes 2024 (1.08 MB, .pdf)
Individual application form
Formulaire de candidature individuelle (152.35 KB, .pdf)
List application form
2024 Doctorant CS candidature de liste.pdf (205 KB, .pdf)
2024 Etudiants CA candidature de liste.pdf (193.22 KB, .pdf)
How will the elections be held?
The elections will be held over the Internet (electronic voting). The students concerned will receive by e-mail an identifier, a link to create a password and the link to the site where the vote will take place. All of these elements will be sent to the address provided when you registered.
Please note: if no address has been provided, please contact the school.
Decisions concerning the organization of elections
Décision doctorants au CA (1.93 MB, .pdf)
Décision doctorants au CS (2 MB, .pdf)
Décisions autres étudiants au CA (2.01 MB, .pdf)

Decree 90-414 of May 14, 1990 on the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations)