Issues and repercussions of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: from local to global, plural approaches
International study days organized with the support of CERCEC (UMR 8083-CNRS-EHESS), CREE (Inalco), the Section d'études arméniennes and Master IMAS of Inalco, the Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian, the Société des Études arméniennes (Paris).

Following an initial meeting organized on November 17, 2023 at Inalco's Maison de la Recherche ("The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, past-present"), and while peace negotiations are underway, these study days aim to provide food for thought on the political, economic, sociological, cultural and geopolitical stakes and repercussions of the latest war (2020-2023) from a perspective that is both multidisciplinary (history, geography, sociology, anthropology, law) and multi-scalar: local, regional, international.
Organizing committee
Claire Mouradian (CNRS) and Nazli Témir Beylérian (Inalco), in collaboration with Sophie Hohmann (CREE) and Anaïd Donabédian-Demopoulos (SeDyL, Section d'études arméniennes)