Lecture by François Héran, Professor at the Collège de France

As part of the Assises de la recherche de l'Inalco taking place on January 22-23-24, 2025 at the Maison de la recherche auditorium, François Heran is invited as keynote speaker for a lecture closing the first day of the Assises.
Professor at the Collège de France on the chaire Migrations et sociétés created since March 2017, François Héran has held the chair since January 2018, while directing the Institut Convergences Migrations.
International migration is a multifaceted phenomenon: demographic, economic, geopolitical, legal, historical, anthropological, ethical, rhetorical. François Héran's background ranges from philosophy to demography to anthropology. He has practiced field observation and archive exploration abroad (Spain, Bolivia, the Netherlands), conducted national and international surveys at INED and INSEE, sat on key institutions (Office français de l'immigration et de l'intégration, Musée national d'histoire de l'immigration, European Research Council juries), taught at several French and foreign institutions.
For the study of international migration is not just about counting. It must also grasp the dynamics of change, make room for the lived experience of migrants, move from description to explanation, while recognizing that when it comes to human migration, data are necessarily shifting and imperfect: we need to know how to reason, if necessary, on orders of magnitude. But these are largely unknown.
Description taken from the Chair presentation on the Collège de France website.