"From linguistics to language didactics".
Organizers: INALCO-PLIDAM, SPEIT - Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Those involved in the teaching and learning of languages and cultures, both native and foreign, have traditionally come together under the umbrella of the "language sciences". However, the field of didactics, organized around language facts to be transmitted in the classroom, is not that of linguistics in the restricted sense (study of how language works).
In university teacher training, linguistics takes pride of place as a supporting discipline (alongside their training in literature and, where applicable, translation). However, once they arrive in the classroom, the social place that creates contact between scientific reflection and pedagogical action around the L2, language teachers, especially novices, are torn between the various linguistic theories, the products of transposition (grammars, dictionaries, traditional and digital learning materials) and their day-to-day activities in planning the transmission of linguistic knowledge in the L2 classroom.
In partnership with Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, this symposium is organized by the PLIDAM research team attached to INALCO, a unique institution in the world, responsible for teaching around a hundred languages/civilizations, varied both genetically and typologically and areal, while advancing thinking in the field of general and applied linguistics.
The challenge of this symposium is to bring theories and applications into dialogue, by mobilizing linguists (interested in teaching) and didacticians (open to linguistics) working on varied corpora.
Jeudi 23 janvier 2025 / Thursday January 23rd 2025
Auditorium de l'INALCO
- 8:30 am Welcoming participants / Accueil des participants
9h-9h20 Opening session / Ouverture du colloque
- Speakers : Valérie LAVOIX, (Vice-Présidente déléguée aux formations, INALCO), Thomas SZENDE, (Directeur de PLIDAM), Sibel BERK-BOZDEMIR, (INALCO, PLIDAM), Yaqiu LIU, (SPEIT, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
9:20-9:50 Plenary session / Session plénière
Le Désir de Langues: Motivation, Praxis and the Impact of Linguistic Theories in the Learning and (Self)Teaching of Languages and Cultures
- Président / Chair : Joël BELLASSEN
- Intervenant : Jean Léonard LÉONARD (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3)
- General session / General session
Session 1
- Président / Chair: Alain PEYRAUBE
10:00-10:20 am - When future teachers must make scholarly objects teachable: terminological accommodations and professional discomforts
- Speakers: Joséphine RÉMON, Clotilde CASTAGNÉ-VÉZIÈS (Université Lyon 2)
10:20-10:40 - Bringing cognitive linguistics into the classroom: on the importance of restructuring deeply entrenched L1 concepts
- Speakers: Mégane LESUISSE, Marie-Pierre JOUANNAUD (Université Paris 8)
10h40-11h - Integrating form and meaning in second language learning: a teaching methodology based on the action perspective
- Speakers: Parvin MOVASSAT, Reza FARZI (University of Ottawa (Canada))
11am -11.20am - Articulating linguistics and pedagogical practice in interaction
- Speakers: Pascale MANOÏLOV, Agnès LEROUX (Université Paris Nanterre)
- 11h20-11h40 Pause café / Coffee break
Session 2
- Président / Chair: Rémi MATHIEU
11:40-12:00 - From contrastive linguistics (Vietnamese-French) to teaching the phonetics of Vietnamese as a foreign language
- Speakers: Huy Linh DAO, Danh Thành DO-HURINVILLE (INALCO - Université de Franche-Comté)
12h-12h20 - Transposing linguistic knowledge into pedagogical practice. The example of integrated phonology teaching
-Speakers: Nathalie DHERBEY CHAPUIS (University of Fribourg (Switzerland))
12h20-12h40 - Prescription vs. description: which pronunciation to teach in FLE? Liaison and the question of the norm
- Speakers: Mélanie BUCHART (University of Helsinki (Finland))
12h40-13h - A research-based phonetic trainer for L1 Chinese learners of L2 English and L3 French
- Speakers: Maelle AMAND, Christelle EXARE, Simon LANDRON, Jacqueline VAISSIÈRE
Université Limoges, INSPE / Université de Lille, Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle (LabEx EFL) - 1pm-2pm Pause déjeuner / Lunch Break
Session 3
- Président / Chair: Jean Léonard LÉONARD
14h-14h20 - What place for historical linguistics in a foreign language course?
- Speaker: Ivan ŠMILAUER (INALCO)
14h20-14h40 - Corpora as an interface between linguistics and didactics: challenges and possibilities
- Speaker: Anita THOMAS (University of Fribourg (Switzerland))
14h40-15h - Synergy between linguistics and language didactics: The case of movement constructions
- Speaker: Yaqiu LIU (Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China))
- 15h-15h20 - Machine translation tools in Japanese language learning - The contribution of ChatGPT
- Speaker: Chieko KAWAI (Université Grenoble Alpes)
15:20-15:40 - From linguistic description to teaching method in the cognitive framework: the case of the partial article
- Speaker: Sa HUANG (Université de Picardie Jules Verne)
3:40-4pm - Metalanguage and relationship to the world in the language classroom
- Speaker: Jean Désiré Amvéné BANGA (Université de Yaoundé (Cameroun))
- 16h-16h20 Coffee break / Pause café
- Session 4 Président / Chair : Michel LIU
16h20-16h40 - Théories linguistiques - pratiques didactiques : la traduction en classe de langue étrangère
- Intervenant : Laura LASZKARATY (INALCO)
16h40-17h - Contrastive semantic analysis: A promising approach for teaching synonyms in foreign languages
- Speaker: Caixia WANG (Nankai University (China))
17h-17h20 - Linguistic comparison in language didactics (French-English domain)
- Speaker: Joëlle POPINEAU (University of Tours)
17h20-17h40 - Effective Theory-informed Practice in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
- Speaker : Henghua SU, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (China)
17:40-18:00 - La représentation linguistique de la réalité - concept ethnolinguistique au service du FLE
- Speaker : Agnieszka DRYJANSKA (University of Warsaw, Poland)
18h-18h20 - La représentation linguistique de la réalité - concept ethnolinguistique au service du FLE
Pragmatics applied to evaluation material
-Speaker : Étienne RIOU (Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China))
- 18:30-19:00
Presentation of the book 二语文化教学与学习导论 which has just been released in China, from Editions 对外经济贸易大学出版社
Chinese version of Szende, T. (2014). Second Culture Teaching and Learning: An Introduction. Bern: Peter Lang (462 pages)
Moderated by Joël Bellassen, Director of Research, Plidam. Speakers: Fu Rong, Professor, Beijing Foreign Language University, Ji Zhe, Director, Department of Chinese Studies, Inalco, Michel Liu, Deputy Director, Department of Chinese Studies, Inalco, Xinxia Wang, translator, professor, UIBE, Beijing, Huaming Shen, translator, professor, UIBE, Beijing, and the author, Thomas Szende, professor at Inalco, director of Plidam. |
- 19h Cocktail dinatoire dans le foyer de l'Auditorium / Dinner cocktail in the foyer of the Auditorium
Vendredi 24 janvier 2025 / Friday January 24th 2025
Auditorium de l'INALCO
9h-9:30 Plenary session / Session plénière
The disappearance of the simple past, myth or reality? Is its teaching and learning a utopian necessity or a good practice?
- Présidente / Chair : Yaqiu LIU
- Intervenant : Danh Thành DO-HURINVILLE (Université de Franche-Comté )
- General session / Session générale
- Session 1 Président / Chair : Ivan ŠMILAUER
9:40-10:00 - The acquisition of a dual French-Turkish linguistic terminology
10am-10.20am - Terminology problems posed by the teaching of resultative, directional and potential complements in an L2 Chinese grammar course
- Speaker : Xinyue Cécilia YU, Odile ROTH, Arnaud ARSLANGUL (INALCO)
10:20-10:40 - Le 'suffixe conjonctif' -nci en coréen : linguistic analysis and didactic transposition
- Speaker : Soyoung YUN-ROGER (Université Paris Cité)
10h40-11h - Phraseology and didactics : An experience in the initial training of French teachers in Hungary
- Speaker : Catherine TAMUSSIN (University of Pécs (Hungary))
- 11h -11h20 Pause café / Coffee break
- Session 2 Président / Chair : Outi DUVALLON
11h20-11h40 - Use of grammatical vocabulary in metagraphic interviews of Chinese students of L2 French
- Speaker : Yilun LI (University of International Trade and Economics (China))
11:40 a.m.-12:00 p.m. - From linguistics to FOS didactics: specialty lexical combinations
- Speaker : Cindy CHARNEA (University of Granada (Spain))
12h-12h20 - Reformulations: for the application of a linguistic category to didactics
- Speaker : Minghua GU (Renmin University of China (China))
12h20-12h40 - From contrastive linguistics to the teaching of Vietnamese as a Foreign Language : le cas des co-verbes directionnels
- Intervenant : Bich Lien BUI (INALCO)
- 12h40-14h Pause déjeuner / Lunch Break
Session 3
- Président / Chair : Danh Thành DO-HURINVILLE
14h-14h20 - Comparison between the structure of the object dislocation to the left in French and the unmarked passive with agent in Chinese, and didactic application
- Speaker : Xudong DING (Beihang University (China))
14h20-14h40 - Sense nuances of some synonym groups in Vietnamese and their teaching to foreign learners
- Speakers : Thi Tuyet Mai TANG, Thi Thu Trang DO (University of Pedagogy of Ho Chi Minh city (Vietnam)) - (Université Paris Cité)
14:40-15:00 - From linguistic theory to didactic practice in the foreign language classroom: issues, challenges and prospects for evolution in a plurilingual Algerian context
-Speaker : Malika BENSEKAT, Amine ROUBAI (Université de Mostaganem-DPFcc (Algérie))
15h-15h20 - Le pouvoir des mains et du corps : construire du sens en classe de langues étrangères
- Intervenant : Farbod FARAHANDOUZ (INALCO - Université Sorbonne Nouvelle)
15h20-15h40 - How to analyze mediation activities in the language classroom (on the example of FLE)? Linguistics at the service of language didactics
- Speaker : Radosław KUCHARCZYK (University of Warsaw (Poland))
15h40-16h - Bypassing linguistics to flirt with the learner's language: teaching past tenses
- Speaker : Silvia ADLER, Isabelle DOTAN (Bar-Ilan University (Israel))
- 16h-16h20 Pause café / Coffee break
- Session 4 Président / Chair : Sibel BERK-BOZDEMIR
16h20-16h40 - Quelle didactique pour un enseignement /apprentissage efficace de la linguistique ?
- Speaker : Soraya BELKHITER (Université d'Oran 2 (Algérie))
16h40-17h - La pronominalisation des compléments verbaux en français : défis linguistiques et didactiques auprès du public polonophone
- Speaker : Jolanta SUJECKA-ZAJĄC (University of Warsaw (Poland))
17h-17h20 - L'apport de la linguistique du discours à l'ingénierie de formation en FLE
-Speaker : Mansour CHAMKHI (Université de Lille)
17h20-17h40 - L'apprentissage intégré des faits de langue dans l'enseignement des langues : Promouvoir le décloisonnement et l'interdisciplinarité
- Speaker : Hosnia CHOUKRI (Université Moulay Ismail de Meknès (Maroc))
17:40-18:00 - Schooling French at the crossroads of disciplines
For teaching French differently to teaching it differently
- Speaker : Laid SLAIM (Université Mohamed Lamine Debaghine, Sétif-2 (Algeria))
- 18h-18h10 Closing session
Hongwei DING (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
Danh Thành DO-HURINVILLE (Université de Franche-Comté)
Jean Léonard LÉONARD (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3)
Philippe MONNERET (Sorbonne Université)
Franck NEVEU (Sorbonne Université)
Fuyun WU (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
Dan XU (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, Germany)
Soyoung YUN-ROGER (Université Paris Cité)
Yaqiu LIU (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
Ecem KOZ, PhD student (INALCO)
Panupan JUNFEUNG, PhD student (INALCO)
Fredy TABOURIN (SJTU Paris Elite Institut of Technology)