There are many ways of financing training courses as part of continuing professional education.

The Personal Training Account (CPF)
The Personal Training Account (CPF)
The CPF has replaced the individual right to training (DIF). However, employees do not lose the hours acquired under the DIF and will be able to mobilize them until December 31, 2020. Since January 1, 2019, it has been funded in euros rather than hours. The CPF is part of the compte personnel d'activité (CPA).
Since January 2019, hours have been converted into euros at a rate of €15 per hour.
Training actions are eligible if they lead to certification and qualifications. This concerns:
- Certifications registered in the répertoire national des certifications professionnelles (RNCP)
- Certifications registered in the Répertoire Spécifique (RS)
- Attestations de validation de blocs de compétences correspondant à une partie de certification inscrit au RNCP
- Certifications and habilitations registered in the répertoire spécifique corresponding to professional skills complementary to professional certifications.
- Actions enabling the validation of acquired experience (VAE)
- Training courses for volunteers and civic service volunteers to acquire the skills they need to carry out their missions. Only rights acquired under the Citizen Commitment Account can finance these actions.
If your CPF budget is managed by AFDAS, get in touch with AFDAS (01 44 78 38 44) who will consider, if your CPF hours are not sufficient, combining other financing.
Download the CPF financing registration procedure at the end of the page.
Transitional CPF
Transitional CPF
The CPF de transition came into force on January 1, 2019
The CPF de transition, implementing professional transition projects
The "pour la liberté de choisir son avenir professionnel" law introduced the CPF de transition, which replaces the congés individuel de Formation (CIF) . In the spirit of the law, professional training must then enable every employee to be able to change trade and/or profession. The professional transition project will offer the possibility offinancing a training course leading to certification. To be even more in tune with the expectations of economic players, under the terms of the project, professional experience will be better taken into account to adjust the training chosen to the profile of each candidate. For the duration of their professional transition project, candidates will have the status of stagiaire de la formation professionnelle (vocational training trainee).
To find out more about the CPF de transition, please click here.
Skills development plan
Skills development plan
As of January 1, 2019 the skills development plan replaces the training plan. It enables employees to take training actions at their employer's initiative, as opposed to training they can take on their own initiative through their personal training account.
Two types of actions must be distinguished in the skills development plan: mandatory training actions in application of an international agreement or legal and regulatory provisions, and other training actions.
At the same time, the notion of training action has been simplified, with a new definition: a training action is a pedagogical course enabling a professional objective to be achieved.
It is now possible to carry out on-the-job training (FEST), in addition to face-to-face training or all or part of it by distance learning.
To find out more about the skills development plan, thank you for clicking here.
Intermittent workers
Intermittent workers
The skills development plan for intermittent workers in the entertainment industry makes it possible to finance, under certain conditions, actions for adaptation, knowledge development, or further training.
To find out more about financing arrangements for intermittent workers in the entertainment industry, please click here.
Promotion through work-study programs
Promotion through work-study programs
fr/formation-professionnelle/se-former-en-alternance/le-contrat-de-professionnalisation/article/le-contrat-de-professionnalisation">contrat de professionnalisation which both meet the same objective of increasing employee skills by combining work on the job with theoretical training.
To reinvigorate training arrangements open to employees in order to promote their professional development and job retention, the law of September 5, 2018 creates a promotion ou reconversion par alternance (Pro-A) which runs under the same conditions as the contrat de professionnalisation (minimum and maximum training volume, maximum duration of the scheme, tutoring conditions, etc.).).
To find out more about your rights, thank you for clicking here.
To find out more about work-study, merci de cliquer ici.
L'Inalco offers a work-study degree
Financial assistance from Pole Emploi
Financial assistance from Pole Emploi
AIF - Aide Individuelle à la Formation
See with the agreement of your Pole Emploi advisor for a quote request made by the training organization on the Kairos employment portal.
Download the Pôle Emploi financing registration procedure at the end of the page.
To find out more about individual training assistance, thank you for clicking here.
VAE - Validations des Acquis de l'Expérience
An application form for VAE assistance is offered by Pôle Emploi and completed during an interview with an advisor. Pôle emploi works in conjunction with regional funding bodies, including the Conseil régional.
AIF - Aide Individuelle à la Formation
See with the agreement of your Pole Emploi advisor for a quote request made by the training organization on the Kairos employment portal.
To find out more about Aide Individuelle à la Formation, thank you for clicking here.
VAE - Validations des Acquis de l'Expérience
An application form for VAE assistance is offered by Pôle Emploi and completed during an interview with an advisor. Pôle emploi works in conjunction with regional funding bodies, including the Conseil régional.
Skills operators (OPCO)
Skills operators (OPCO)
With the law of September 5, 2018organismes paritaires collecteurs agréés (OPCAs) become opérateurs de compétences (OPCOs) to make them operators at the service of new skills needs for all companies and employees.
To find out more about OPCOs, thank you for clicking here.
To find your OPCO, thank you for clicking here.
Professional development advice
Professional development advice
Depending on your situation, you must contact one of the authorized CEP organizations:
- Pôle emploi
- Association pour l'emploi des cadres (Apec)
- Mission locale
- CAP emploi (for people with disabilities).
An employee can, on his or her own initiative and without asking his or her employer's agreement, benefit from a CEP by making an appointment preferably with an advisor from Apec if he or she is an executive, or from an Opacif in other cases.
Each employer must inform employees of the possibility of using the CEP during their professional interview.
The Fongecif Île-de-France is also an operator by right of the Conseil en Évolution Professionnelle until December 31, 2019. We will thus be offering new services to help people take stock of their professional situation, but also to support them in defining and implementing their project.
Circuit inscriptions FC - CPF (496.79 KB, .pdf)
Circuit inscriptions FC - FRANCE TRAVAIL (491.87 KB, .pdf)