Saturday language courses

Learn the Oriental language of your choice at a dynamic pace.

Saturday morning classes run 4 hours a week, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., from October to January and from February to June, to learn to speak, read, write and understand the language of your choice. Each training session corresponds to a 60-hour semester.

Our training courses in Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and Russian are eligible for CPF.

Nos formations avec CPF (2.61 MB, .pdf)

Comment trouver nos formations éligibles au CPF sur le site dédié ?

In brief

Registrations run from June 15 to September 8, 2024.

This formula is available on a presential basis only.

We offer courses forlevels 1, 2, 3 and 4 and above for a total of 60 hours per semester over 15 consecutive Saturdays (excluding school vacations and public holidays).

It is compulsory to take a self-assessment test before enrolling in order to evaluate your entry level, unless you are a total beginner (level 1). Each level effectively followed is sanctioned by assessments and an end-of-training certificate.

If you are paying yourself for the program, you may proceed directly to AEC our secured registration system, between June 15 and September 8 2024.

New rates

Formule cours du samedi matin fiche produit (62.55 KB, .pdf)


Please find below the course calendar for the year 2023-2024. Please note: this schedule is indicative. Courses may continue during June if necessary to complete the 60-hour training program.