Academic year 2022-2023
Message from Gilles Roussel, President of Gustave Eiffel University
In memory of our colleague Cécile Hussherr-Poisson
"Dear colleagues,
In order to honor the memory of our colleague Cécile Hussherr-Poisson, victim of a feminicide, I invite you to share a moment of recollection and testimony organized by Gustave Eiffel University on:
Thursday, March 30 at 3:30pm On the inner forecourt of the Georges Perec library. (Access via 1 rue des Frères Lumière, 77420 Champs-sur-Marne).
A guest book will also be available on site, and a digital version will soon be accessible.
Concerning the funeral, the family informs us that it will take place on Tuesday March 28 at 10:30 am in Brittany, in the strictest privacy. At the same time, a mass open to all will be celebrated in Paris on the same day at the same time and with the same texts at the church of Saint-Antoine des Quinze Vingts, 57 Rue Traversière, 75012 Paris.
Bien cordialement,
Gilles ROUSSEL, Président de l'Université Gustave Eiffel"
On the occasion of International Women's Rights Day, the Equalities network of the ASPC alliance organized a show-debate around the play Con_sentiments, by the Compagnie Sexe et Consentement, on March 8, 2023 from 5pm to 7pm at the Auditorium of the Institut de physique du globe de Paris (IPGP - 1 rue de Jussieu - 75005 Paris).
This piece tackles the notion of consent through the media treatment of the violence suffered by Maria Schneider during the filming of A Last Tango in Paris.
The show was followed by a debate in the presence of the actors and the association around the notion of consent.
The artistic team and its partners
A collective creation by Ella Hamonic (playwright), Clotilde Meeroff (director) and Brenda Boote Bidal (choreographer) based on texts by Ella Hamonic
Exterior view: Amaya Lainez
Music and composition: Nicolas Rallis and Mariano Heler
Photos and videos: Antonella Casanova and Lucas Schlott
Separating the living
As part of the course Le genre dans la littérature et le cinéma documentaire (GFMB240A) (March 15,15h-16h30, amphi 2) was held a discussion on the documentary Réparer les vivantes, in the presence of Madame Frédérique Martz, General Delegate of the FDD Institut en Santé Génésique, President of the Association WO.MEN SAFE.
See the documentary directed by Florie MARTIN (2021, 52 mn). A co-production: 416 / LCP-Assemblée nationale
The power of a stranger over my body and my will
Reading of the play La Honte, by Jean-Christophe Blondel and François Hien, followed by a meeting
(Thursday, November 10, 2022 - 18:30-20:30 at Inalco, PLC - 65, rue des Grands Moulins - 75013 Paris - Amphi 7)
La Honte, by the company La Divine Comédie (performed November 15-19, 2024) at Théâtre Dunois, is a play about a peculiar evening: a university professor receiving his thesis student at his home. A few weeks later, the student makes a report to the university. The play dramatizes this evening, and then the disciplinary commission that follows.
Collectif de Lutte Anti-Sexiste Contre le harcèlement dans l'Enseignement Supérieur
As part of the campaign to raise awareness and prevent sexual and gender-based violence, the equality mission, in collaboration with the association Clasches, is taking part in the association's national poster campaign. Posters and postcards are available to the public at Inalco.
Affiche "C'est juste une blague" (1.51 MB, .pdf)
© Stéphane Dupont / Clasches
Sex & consent
The equality mission is taking part in the campaign to raise awareness and prevent sexual and gender-based violence by promoting a culture of free and explicit consent in collaboration with the association Sex & consent. In this context, condoms and postcards dedicated to the subject of consent were distributed to students.

Inalco is also taking part in the MESRI national campaign on consent.