Master's degree courses

A 2-year Master's degree enables you to specialize and broaden your knowledge and career prospects. Nine Master's programs are offered by Inalco.

Fiche de présentation des 9 masters Inalco 2020-2025 (170.55 KB, .pdf)

Livret master 2024-2025 (2.54 MB, .pdf)

Master LLCER (Langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères et régionales)

The Master LLCER is open to students with a bachelor's degree who can demonstrate a sufficient level of proficiency in one of the languages taught at Inalco. 57 languages are offered in the Master program. In the LLCER Master's program, students choose one of five disciplines: Social Anthropology; Arts and Literature; History and Social Sciences; Orality; Text, Linguistics, Translation.

Master Languages and Societies (intercultural communication)

The Master Languages and Societies aims to train graduates who will be able to identify, analyze and address issues in a variety of professional fields relating to interculturality (traditional and digital communication, public relations, events...). It is characterized, overall, by strengthened links with the socio-professional world, as well as advanced mastery of one or more foreign languages.

Master DDL (Didactique des langues)

The Didactique des langues master's degree, co-accredited with Université de Paris and Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, enables students to obtain a university qualification to teach a foreign or second language, such as FLE/S or one of the language-cultures forming the subject of their specialization.

Master MEEF (Métiers de l'enseignement, de l'éducation et de la formation)

The Master MEEF prepares students for careers in teaching, education and training, and includes preparation for competitive examinations as part of its practice-oriented courses. It is offered at Inalco in Chinese (in partnership with Université Paris-Diderot) and Arabic (in partnership with Universités Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle and Paris 4-Sorbonne).

Master Management and International Business

The aim of the Master Management and International Business is to train international business executives (import/export, international marketing, logistics, project management, management of foreign subsidiaries, etc.). The program is aimed at students who are proficient in one or more of the languages taught at Inalco (a bachelor's degree in an oriental language is compulsory for non-native speakers), with a good level of general English, and who already have knowledge of management, economics and business.

Master Relations internationales

The Master Relations internationales offers over 600 hours of professional teaching. Students acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge they need to understand and analyze contemporary international issues. They are thus trained to become international relations specialists who can take up positions in diplomacy, defense, international information and communication within ministries, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, international departments of companies and banks, specialized media, international study and research centers, etc.

Master SDL (Sciences du langage)

The Sciences du langage master's degree, co-accredited with Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, offers training in general linguistics rooted in the diversity of languages. In addition to acquiring solid theoretical knowledge and methodological skills, it provides its students with in-depth linguistic training in a given language, either within Inalco's remit (Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, Oceania, indigenous languages of America) or taught at Paris 3 (notably French).

Master TAL (Traitement automatique des langues)

The master TAL, co-accredited with Universités Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle and Paris 10-Nanterre, is, broadly speaking, the field covering all computer applications relating to languages and texts, and involving the modeling of language phenomena in order to equip computer systems with the ability to analyze or generate texts in a variety of languages. The aim of the master's degree is to train specialists capable of understanding a field that is essentially multidisciplinary (language, linguistics, IT), both in a research and industrial context.

Master TI (Translation and Interpretation)

The Master's degree in Translation and Interpretation is divided into two tracks: Literary Translation and Specialized Translation.

  • The Literary Translation (TL) track is designed to train literary translators in a large number of so-called "rare" languages, often taught only at Inalco (languages of Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa and America) and for which there is a shortage of good translators. Translation is either into or from French, depending on the student's writing language.
  • The Specialized Translation (ST) course is designed to train professionals in non-literary translation into Oriental languages. It combines intensive training in translation professions (economic, legal, scientific, etc.) in the combination of English and French, with in-depth study of Oriental languages.

The Specialized Translation (ST) program is designed to train non-literary translators in Oriental languages.