Approaches to the history of the Berber language" symposium

Approaches to the history of the Berber language: second session
Berber, a living language spoken throughout northern Africa, has been the subject of significant linguistic work. However, compared with studies of the present-day language, the ancient states of the language have benefited far less, nor has a comprehensive historical approach to the language been attempted in any depth. With the aim of redressing this balance and filling a gap, this international scientific meeting has been designed to bring together researchers from several specialties: historical linguistics, classical and medieval humanities, history, archaeology, anthropology and population genetics. This makes it possible to take stock of available resources, set priorities on the analysis of documentary sources as well as historical linguistics, while creating conditions for fruitful debate between researchers.
Practical information:
Thursday September 16 and Friday September 17, 2021 - 08:30 - 17:30
65, rue des grands moulins 75013 Paris
Registrations and further information from

Programme (155.83 KB, .pdf)