Baltic Spaces seminar (CREE-Inalco) Spring-summer 2025

Seminar summary
The Baltic Sea region straddles several cultural areas (Middle Europe, Northern Europe, Germanic world, Russian world) that are strongly rooted in humanities research traditions. However, despite the borders (religious, cultural, political, ideological) that have crossed and continue to cross this region, the sea is an obvious factor of contact and rapprochement. The seminar is intended as a forum for discussion of these exchanges, circulations and displacements, and of the shifting borders that divide the region. More generally, it is a meeting place for researchers and young scholars in the humanities and social sciences whose work is rooted in the societies that border the Baltic Sea (northern Germany, Belarus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, northwest Russia, Sweden).
Seminar program
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 - 9h-11h30 - Maison de la Recherches de l'Inalco (2, rue de Lille Paris 7e, Salon Borel)
Round table/breakfast: Borders in the Baltic space
Marielle VITUREAU (Journalist-Reporter and correspondent for French media (RFI, Le Courrier international, Le Figaro...) - in the Baltic countries, residing in Vilnius, author of Dictionnaire insolite des pays baltes, ed. Cosmopoles, 2022)
Živilė KALIBATAITĖ, Doctor of political science, specializing in Baltic defense issues; currently deputy head of studies and research at the Institut des Hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN).
Discussion: Damien SIMONNEAU (Senior lecturer in political science, deputy director of the International Relations department at Inalco, member of CESSMA, author of Pourquoi s'emmurer? Essai sur une frénésie planétaire, éd.Stock, 2024) and Katerina KESA (Lecturer in Baltic Space Civilization, researcher at CREE, Inalco)
If you would like more information on this session, click here.
Friday, March 14, 2025 - 16h-18h30 - Maison de la Recherches de l'Inalco (2, rue de Lille Paris 7e, Salle de Sacy)
Round table: The German-Baltic people of Estonia and Latvia before and after 1939
With the participation of: Lucie LAMY, Yves PLASSERAUD, Suzanne POURCHIER-PLASSERAUD, Anne SOMMERLAT
Discussion: Eric LE BOURHIS
Friday, June 13, 2025 - 9am-6pm - Maison de la Recherches de l'Inalco (2, rue de Lille Paris 7e, Salon Borel)
Study day for PhD and Master students working on the Baltic region
Facilitation and discussion:Katerina KESA and Eric LE BOURHIS
Call for papers below.
Call for papers for the study day for doctoral and master's students working on the Baltic region.
Date: June 13, 2025
Location: Maison de la Recherche de l'Inalco, 2 rue de Lille, Paris 7e.
Students (Masters and PhD) in the humanities and social sciences, working on the societies, regions or countries bordering the Baltic Sea, are invited to present their research at this study day, whatever the theme and discipline.
Of course, PhDs who have recently defended their thesis are invited to propose a paper.
Presentations are expected to last 20-25 minutes.
Those interested are asked to senda 10-line draft of their talk to the seminar organizers, together with a brief presentation of their background, by February 17, 2025. It should include a title and abstract presenting the research topic and, depending on the discipline, elements on the research methods employed as well as the corpora, sources or materials exploited.
Katerina Kesa (CREE, Inalco)
Eric Le Bourhis (CREE, Inalco)