Commitment Forum 2023
Campus life

Find all the information here on the valorisation de l'engagement in your studies at Inalco!
Here are the associations present at the Forum:
Student associations
Assila: Association of students in the Arab Studies department (Thursday, November 16, 2023)
Chaistani: Association of students from South Asia and the Himalayas (Thursday afternoon, November 16, 2023)
Promethei: Association des étudiants de la filière Relations Internationales (Thursday, November 16, 2023)
Article 1
Social inequalities and discrimination weigh heavily on young people from working-class backgrounds. Many talents are held back (or hold themselves back through self-censorship) in their choices of direction, their study paths, and then their access to employment. Faced with this observation, two pioneering mentoring associations came together to make a systemic impact in the fight against inequality of opportunity and, in 2018, Article 1 was born. INSPIRE helps high school students in general, technological and vocational streams to make study choices suited to their aspirations and potential. mentoring puts students in touch with a mentor who can listen and advise them on their studies and professional integration. JOBREADY offers young people the chance to identify their soft skills, discover careers and prepare for professional integration.
Proposed missions:
The INSPIRE program offers students two ways to get involved:
- Go into high schools to run workshops to inform high school students about post-bac studies, professional codes and give them the keys to a better understanding of the world of work!
- On the INSPIRE platform, high school students can come and ask questions via chat about the different post-bac courses.
We need students to answer these questions. Please note, we have difficulty quantifying the actions carried out for each student on the INSPIRE platform.
Presence on Friday, November 17, 2023.
Association Cop1 Solidarité Etudiante
Cop1 is an apartisan and independent association motivated by a simple goal: to bring assistance to any student in need through free distributions of food, hygiene products, clothing, access to rights, culture, sport, employment and many activities!
Proposed missions:
Perform logistical missions, come and help with food distributions or get involved in the pole of their choice from the following: the Collections cluster, the Logistics cluster, the Clothing distributions cluster, the Access to Law cluster, the Professionalization cluster, the Culture cluster, the Sport cluster, the Digital Access cluster, the Recruitment and Cohesion cluster, the Communication cluster, the Social and Creative Activities cluster, The Treasury cluster
Presence on Thursday November 16 and Friday November 17, 2023 (afternoon)
Association Petits frères des pauvres
- Accompany : welcoming, visiting isolated elderly people, creating social ties. Organize group activities
- Witness and alert: raise awareness of the isolation of the elderly, for a more fraternal society.
- Act collectively: accompaniment led by volunteers with the support of an employee.
- Mobilize the commitment of citizens and support them to act together with the poorest
Proposed missions:
- Visit an elderly person regularly to break their isolation ( at home, in a collective establishment or at Broca Hospital)
- Participate in collective outings, organized by volunteers
- Participate in senior solidarity permanences
- Participate in the delivery of Christmas parcels (punctual)
Presence Wednesday November 15, 2023.
Dom'Asile is an association in the Paris region dedicated to providing domiciliation and access to social rights for exiled people without stable accommodation. Every year, some 200 volunteers support nearly 10,000 exiles: asylum seekers, beneficiaries of international protection and rejected asylum seekers.
Proposed missions:
- Welcome and support exiles at our reception centers in the Paris region, helping them with administrative and legal procedures to access their social rights.
- Help volunteers communicate with exiles. (These people come from Africa, Asia and Latin America and don't speak French. Your language skills will help them overcome the language barrier).
- Lead collective information workshops in different languages for exiled people. (Dom'Asile organizes collective information sessions and practical workshops in different languages).
- Help translate information for Dom'Asile's multilingual and multimedia platform (
Presence Thursday November 16, 2023.
Accompanying Tibetans in France and supporting Tibetan culture.
Proposed missions:
- On-line and face-to-face French courses at Inalco
- Administrative support
- Seeking sponsorship
Presence Wednesday November 16 and Friday November 17, 2023.
Médecins du monde
Médecins du Monde is committed to the creation of healthcare access and referral centers to support the most disadvantaged people who have had to forego care due to lack of means and support. Accompanying these people to the most appropriate care services, and helping them to access the medical system, are the main milestones in our fight.
Missions offered:
As part of our stand-by services, which take place at the Centre d'accueil, d'orientation et d'accompagnement (CAOA), the volunteers sociaux.ales are in charge of: welcoming people, assessing their social situation and guiding them according to their needs; providing information on health rights and assisting people in their efforts to obtain health coverage, monitoring their access to rights; reporting any obstacles encountered by people. Volunteers can also lead group workshops and take part in occasional "allers-versers". Volunteers are an integral part of MdM's team, associative and militant life.
A training program is offered to all volunteers throughout their involvement, to help them carry out their missions to the best of their ability.
Presence Wednesday, November 15, 2023 (morning)
Péniche du cœur
La Péniche du cœur is a Restos du Cœur emergency shelter for 70 isolated adult men. We offer them room, board and comprehensive social support.
Missions offered:
- Meal services (breakfasts, lunches, and dinners).
- Language classes / interpreting aids / computer xourses.
- Cultural and sports outings.
- Occasional missions (collections, gift packs, etc.).
Presence Wednesday November 15, Thursday November 16 and Friday November 17, 2023.
Pour une planète sans frontières
Pour une planète sans frontières works to defend the rights of foreign people encountering difficulties communicating in French.
Proposed missions:Volunteer interpreting missions (by telephone and in person) and written translations, as well as geopolitical research missions
Presence Thursday November 16 and Friday November 17, 2023 (morning).
Stud'Help helps students in precarious food situations throughout France by putting them in touch with private individuals.
Proposed missions:
- Collecting food donations in stores
- Preparing meal baskets at our food distributions
- Distributing flyers and posters
Presence Wednesday November 15 (morning) and Thursday November 16, 2023 (afternoon).
Watchdogs Unleashed
Advocating for freedom of information, press and expression. Fight against censorship (digital or otherwise) Defense of information actors and fundamental freedoms and media users' right to information.
Proposed missions:
- Assistance to the association's president
- Monitoring mission, content writing, social network management, management of relations with the organization's partner and target organizations, administrative and financial management, participation in the management of specific projects carried out in partnership with organizations fighting censorship in China (or other authoritarian regimes)
Presence Friday November 17, 2023 (afternoon)
Since 2007, the ZupdeCo association has been fighting academic failure through programs to support young people with academic difficulties. Volunteering in the approach, the latter wish to progress mainly in the core subjects (French and mathematics), and gain in confidence and motivation to succeed in their school career.
Missions offered:
Students.s can become volunteer tutors on one of our two support programs:
- Tutorat solidaire en collège : accompagnement d'un petit groupe de collégiens, 2h/semaine, dans un de nos collèges en REP/REP+ partenaire,
- Mentorat en ligne HomeClasse : accompagnement d'un élève (libre choix du niveau du CM1 à la Terminale) 1h/semaine.
Presence Wednesday November 15, Thursday November 16 and Friday November 17, 2023.