Cycle of professional round tables on cultural professions: 2nd edition

One of the many career opportunities offered by Inalco's training courses is in the cultural sector: events, audiovisual, tourism, cultural cooperation, publishing, museums, heritage, etc. Come and hear from former Inalco students working in the cultural sector. Come and listen to testimonials from former Inalco students working in the cultural sector.
Entry by registration via and in compliance with current health regulations.
3rd round table: Careers in tourism
Wednesday April 13, 2022 from 6pm to 7:30pm - Amphi 2
Our guests:
Inès de Ferran, alumna in Modern Greek - Media Manager at the Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau
Catherine Chartier, alumna in Japanese Studies - Bilingual French-Japanese tour guide. Lecturer in Art History.
This round table will be held at the end of the third professional forum edition 2022 (forum reserved for Inalco students).
2nd round table: Publishing professions
Tuesday, March 22, 2022 from 6pm to 7:30pm - PLC - Amphitheatre 5
Our guests:
Marie Barriet-Savev - Editor at Lonely Planet
Camille Juré - Editor at Editions Leduc
Camille Boby de la Chapelle - Audio Editor at Tonies
This round table will be held at the end of the second forum professionnel édition 2022 (forum reserved for Inalco students).
1st round table: Les métiers de l'événementiel
Thursday, February 17, 2022 from 6pm to 7:30pm - PLC - Amphithéâtre 8
Inalco - 65, rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris
Our guests:
Charlotte Urbain - Director of Culture and Communications at Fragonard Parfumeur
Stéphanie Vanoye - Director of Exhibitions and Events at Thales
Angélique Majdouba - Communications, Marketing and Events Manager at Umami
The events will be recorded but will not be broadcast. Please contact to retrieve the recording if required.