December 14, 2022, 6:30-9pm. PLC (auditorium) Session 3: L'Inde en images et en débats - Screening of "Sangharsh, le temps de la lutte" by Nicolas Jaoul

31 January 2023
  • Asia and the Pacific

  • Training

Sangharsh, the time of struggle.
Sangharsh, le temps de la lutte © Sister production‎
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As part of the cycle: "L'actualité de l'Asie du Sud et de l'Himalaya en images et en débats"

Sangharsh, le temps de la lutte

by Nicolas Jaoul, France l 2018 l 105 minutes l VOSTF

Thème: L'actualité des "intouchables" en Inde : discriminations et revendications

Summary : Nicolas Jaoul's film takes us back into the world of Dalit Panthers activists, India's Black Panthers, in the late 1990s. Using footage shot by the director at the time, the viewer is taken on board by three militants who spread the message of emancipation through the shantytowns and villages of an effervescent region, to the rhythm of a vast consciousness-raising movement. Their words, gestures, and the expectations and annoyances they arouse in addressing their own, reveal the Dalits' delicate struggle for their right to live with dignity, while humiliation, exploitation and caste violence remain omnipresent.


  • Nicolas Jaoul (anthropologist, CNRS, EHESS, specialist in Dalit populations and filmmaker),
  • Alexandra de Heering (University of Namur/Belgium, specialist in Indian social and visual history)

Free admission.
Contact: Ornella Puschiasis -

See the teaser