Élise Voyau, winner of the Shibusawa Claudel 2024 Prize

The Shibusawa Claudel Prize, created in 1984 by the Maison franco-japonaise and the Mainichi newspaper in tribute to Mr. Eiichi Shibusawa and Mr. Paul Claudel (co-founders of the Maison franco-japonaise), rewards each year a work on Japan published in France and a work on France published in Japan, for their scientific or literary quality. From 2008 to 2020, the Yomiuri newspaper relayed the Mainichi newspaper in co-organizing the Prize. From 2021, the Fondation France-Japon de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales (FFJ) will join the organization of the French section of this Prize.
The Fondation France-Japon de l'EHESS is pleased to announce that the jury of the Prix Shibusawa-Claudel (French section) met on July 2 to elect the winner of the 2024 Prize. This year, the prize was awarded to Élise Voyau (ヴォワイヨ・エリーズ) for her outstanding thesis entitled:
"Photographs for sale!" Redefining radicalism in photography after 1968, the Japanese case of Workshop shashin gakkō (1974-1976) (博士論⽂:「写真売ります!」⽇本写真における 1968 年以降のラディカリズム再考 -ワークショップ写真学校 (1974-1976) の場合)
Élise Voyau, a graduate of the École du Louvre and Université Paris Cité, obtained her doctorate at Inalco under the supervision of Michael Lucken (IFRAE). Specializing in Japanese photography, she carried out research at Tokyo and Waseda universities before starting a post-doctorate at Tokyo Foreign Language University.
IFRAE warmly congratulates Élise Voyau on this well-deserved distinction.