Exhibition "Chemins himalayens" from October 4 to 19, 2022

This exhibition is in conjunction with the cycle of screenings"L'actualité de l'Asie du Sud et de l'Himalaya en images et en débats" organized by Inalco's South Asia and Himalaya department.
The Himalayas, despite the height of their peaks, the tumultuous flow of their rivers, or their extreme climates, have never been an impassable barrier or an obstacle to circulation. The aim of this exhibition is to illustrate the evolution of modes of transport, the solutions found by local populations to cope with the difficulties of the environment, and the various forms of mobility that the Himalayas are the scene of. In addition to the material and technological aspects, there is a diversity of cultural practices and imaginaries, and the persistence of the presence of the divine world in these circulations.
These photographs - and the accompanying texts - highlight the importance of mobility and traffic regimes, of paths, roads or trails in the social life of communities in various historical and political contexts. The exhibition offers a diversity of perspectives on cultures and identities more or less rooted in particular landscapes, and suggests how circulations can be socially transformative.
Contact : Ornella Puschiasis - ornella.puschiasis@inalco.fr