Festival Arc-en-Ciel - LGBT
Campus life
This colorful festival will feature partners such as SOS Homophobie, the Centre LGBT Paris et d'Île-de-France, the Préfecture de Police and the Kiosque Infos Sida.
Rainbow-colored treats and drag shows will also be on offer!

Big news this year in campus life days! The R.E.V.E department is putting on a rainbow-colored LGBT+ festival.
Stands and entertainment will be on hand for this colorful end-of-year event!
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, May 11 and Friday, May 12 in Hall 2!
Thursday, May 11, 2023
10H-17H: Stand of the Centre LGBTQI+ de Paris et d'Île-de-France
10H-16H: Stand with the LGBT+ liaison officer of the Préfecture de Police de Paris
12H-14H: Stand of the association SOS Homophobie
12H-14H : Sweet treats and multicolored sweets with Love and Cakes and the Maison de la Barbe à Papa
12H-15H: Cotton candy stand, by the Maison de la Barbe à Papa
12H-15H: Stand for the association Solidarité Sida
12H and 12H30: Drag Show with Barbara Dicknson
12H-16H : Stand and screening with Check Point (reserve a 20 min slot directly at the stand on D-day)
Friday, May 12, 2023
10H-17H: Stand of the Centre LGBTQI+ de Paris et d'Île-de-France
10H-14H: Stand and screening with Check Point (reserve a 20 min slot directly at the stand on D-day)
12H-14H: Stand of the association SOS Homophobie
13H-15H: Presentation of the Genres et sexualités dans le monde trail, with the trail's co-founder, Françoise Robin, and Mériam Cheikh
14H-17H: Stand of ActUp Paris