Ici École Polytechnique, 1973-2023. Usages et héritages de l'opposition estudiantine à la dictature des colonels", October 13

Study day organized by Joëlle Dalègre (PLIDAM/Inalco) and Nicolas Pitsos (CREE/Inalco, BULAC)
Friday, October 13, 2023 - 14.00-19.00 - Maison de la recherche (Paris 7e) - Auditorium Dumézil
"(...) On the one hand, the aim is to retrace the memory of these events, these acts of resistance and dissidence, as part of a long series of social protest practices. On the other hand, this event aims to examine how this "place of memory" has been revisited within Greek society over the fifty years since November 1973, giving rise to multiple uses and registers of memory. In order to place the sequence of events at the École Polytechnique within a broader geo-historical experience, this day also brings together speakers on the theme of student movements in the 1960s and 1970s around the world." (N. Pitsos)