IFRAE "Monday Meetings" lecture series 2022-2023

The Rencontres du lundi of the IFRAE (Inalco-Université de Paris-CNRS) will take place every second or third Monday of the month from 12pm to 1:15pm or from 6pm to 7:15pm, face-to-face and distance via zoom.
The Rencontres will resume in January 2024.
Participation is by registration: rencontresdulundi.ifrae@inalco.fr
Program 2022-2023
Monday, November 14, 2022 - 18:00 - 19:15 - Maison de la recherche (2, rue de Lille - 75007 Paris) - Salon Borel / et en distanciel via zoom
LE YAKUWARI-GO (role language): language stereotypes in contemporary Japanese society
With :
Jean BAZANTAY, lecturer at Inalco, associate researcher at IFRAE
Akiko TAKEMURA, PhD in sociolinguistics, associate researcher at IFRAE
A meeting moderated by Guibourg DELAMOTTE, HDR lecturer, Department of Japanese Studies, Inalco
Monday, December 5, 2022 - 18:00 - 19:15 - PLC (65, rue des Grands Moulins - 75013 Paris ) - room 3.03
Roc, tombeaux et funérailles dans l'Asie orientale ancienne - Autour de la publication de Mégalithes dans le Monde
Luc LAPORTE, Jean-Marc LARGE, Laurent NESPOULOUS, Chris SCARRE, Tara STEIMER-HERBET (dir.), Mégalithes dans le Monde, Vol. 1 et 2, Mémoire LVIII, Association des Publications Chauvinoises, 2022, 1466 p.
A meeting with Laurent NESPOULOUS (Lecturer, Inalco, researcher at IFRAE, archaeologist, Japan), François MACÉ (Emeritus Professor at Inalco, associate researcher at IFRAE, historian of religions, Japan), Lia WEI (Lecturer, art history, China), Ariane PERRIN (Senior Lecturer, La Rochelle University, guest at Ca' Foscari University in Venice, art history, Korea)
Chaired by Estelle BAUER, Professor, Inalco, art history, Japan, Director of IFRAE.
Monday, February 6, 2023 - 18:00-19:15 - Inalco, Maison de la recherche (2, rue de Lille - 75007 Paris) - Auditorium Dumézil / and online via zoom
Writing gesture and translation practice at the challenge of new technologies
with : Jean BAZANTAY, Senior Lecturer in Linguistics, Japanese Studies Department, Inalco, researcher at Ifrae
Pascale ELBAZ, Teacher-researcher at ISIT, translator from Chinese, associate researcher at Ifrae
Lia WEI, Senior Lecturer in Chinese Art History at Inalco, Chinese Studies Department, researcher at Ifrae
Pierre MAGISTRY, Senior Lecturer in Linguistics and Automatic Language Processing (TAL), Inalco, member of the ERTIM team
A meeting proposed by Guibourg Delamotte, Senior Lecturer in Political Science, Japanese Studies Department, Inalco, head of Axe 2 at Ifrae.
Monday March 6, 2023 - 18:00-19:15 - Maison de la recherche de l'Inalco (2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris) - Auditorium
Kokin Waka Shû - Recueil de poèmes japonais d'hier et d'aujourd'hui
Around the publication of Michel Vieillard-Baron's translation (Les Belles Lettres, 2022) of this collection of poems - the first anthology of "Japanese poetry" (waka) compiled by imperial order, in the early 10th century,
with :
Michel VIEILLARD-BARON, university professor, classical Japanese literature
Valérie LAVOIX, lecturer, classical Chinese language and literature
Estelle BAUER, university professor, classical Japanese art history
A meeting proposed by Guibourg Delamotte, lecturer in political science, Japanese Studies Department, Inalco, head of Ifrae's Axe 2.
Monday, April 17, 2023 - 18:00-19:15 - Maison de la Recherche de l'Inalco (2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris) - Auditorium
Democracy, totalitarianism: developments in the Japanese and Chinese regimes
Guibourg DELAMOTTE, university professor, political science, Japanese Studies Department, Inalco
Chloé FROISSART, university professor, political science, Chinese Studies Department, Inalco
A meeting proposed by Guibourg Delamotte, senior lecturer in political science, Japanese Studies Department, Inalco, head of Axe 2 at Ifrae.
Monday, May 15, 2023 - 18:00-19:15 - Maison de la Recherche de l'Inalco (2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris) - Auditorium
Le droit de vote des étrangers au Japon et en Corée du Sud
Isabelle KONUMA, University Professor, Department of Japanese Studies
Hui-yeon KIM, Senior Lecturer, Sociology, Department of Korean Studies.
Min-jeong KIM, Professor, University of Seoul (UoS), guest at Ifrae, political science - on the voting rights of foreigners.
A meeting proposed by Guibourg Delamotte, Senior Lecturer, political science, Japanese Studies Department, Inalco, head of Axe 2 at Ifrae.