Intangible Cultural Heritage Days, first edition on October 4 and 5, 2023
Campus life
Each year, Inalco organizes the Journées du patrimoine culturel immatériel (Intangible Cultural Heritage Days) around a theme, and this first edition focuses on Orality.

October 4 and 5, 2023
Pôle des langues et civilisations
65, rue des grands moulins 75013
Free admission.
The first edition of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Days is launched to mark the 20th anniversary of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, adopted at the 32nd session of the UNESCO General Conference.
The "Intangible Cultural Heritage" (ICH) defined by UNESCO in October 2003 includes, among other things, languages, knowledge and their transmission by word and in an oral context. It is precisely the intangible nature of speech that forms the basis of direct communication, requiring the presence of all participants.
Orality includes everyday communication, as well as the acquisition of speech and language. It gives rise to artistic creations: in music, through singing and song...; in verbal art and "oral literature", it includes many genres, such as epic, tale, proverb, poetry, as well as new genres pertaining to urban music, neo-orality and improvised theater.
It is attested in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe, among others. Based on communication through articulated languages, it is in fact universal, and expresses itself in forms of extraordinary variety and richness. It is one of the "oralities of the world".
Many facets of orality are addressed during the two "Intangible Cultural Heritage Days", in forms that encourage communication between the public and the speakers:
- Discussions with the public;
- Round tables and exchanges between confirmed specialists, doctoral students and artists :
- data collection, recording and publishing as the results of field research;
- the study of music through ethnomusicology;
- discussions on the challenges of intangible cultural heritage and orality in teaching and research;
- presentation of a collection of bilingual proverbs according to the requirements of scientific publishing, giving access to the satirical and playful dimension of this widespread genre of oral literature.
- Artistic events:
- the concert;
- experimentation with storytelling in the languages of professional or amateur storytellers in simultaneous summaries.
Scientific referent: Ursula Baumgardt, Professor of African orality and literature (Inalco / PLIDAM), co-director of Inalco's Master Oralité, publishing director of the Revue des oralités du monde.
Annual event organized by the events and cultural action department. Edition 2023 in partnership with the Maison des cultures du monde - CFPCI and the Inalco Foundation.

Programme JPCI 2023 (977.9 KB, .pdf)