International symposium: Descriptive Grammars and Typology - 2nd edition, December 1-3

Event organized by the laboratories Langues et civilisations à tradition orale-LACITO (Inalco-Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3-CNRS), Langage, Langues et Cultures d'Afrique Noire-LLACAN (Inalco-CNRS) and supported by Labex Empirical Foundations of Linguistics-EFL.
Wednesday December 1 to Friday December 3, 2021 at FIAP Paris - 30 rue Cabanis, 75014 Paris.
Wednesday, December 1: 8:30-18:00
Thursday, December 2: 09:00-18:00
Friday, December 3: 09:00-18:00
Health pass and mask mandatory.
Descriptive Grammars and Typology: The challenges of writing grammars of underdescribed and endangered languages
The global threat of extinction facing little-known languages has raised awareness of the urgent need to document and describe them, sparking new advances in the art of writing grammars (see in particular Ameka, Dench & Evans 2006). The "Descriptive Grammars and Typology" symposium, first held in Helsinki in March 2019, seeks to contribute to the development of grammaticography by bringing together authors and users of grammars of poorly described or endangered languages, who share an interest in the use of concepts of linguistic typology in grammars.
This second edition of the symposium will focus more specifically on the theory and practice of grammaticography. Papers will address the problems and challenges facing authors of descriptive grammars and the expectations of grammar users, as well as the role typology plays in grammar writing.
The global endangerment of little-known languages has raised awareness of the urgent need to document and describe them and brought about new advances in the art of grammaticography (see e.g. Ameka, Dench & Evans 2006). The conference series 'Descriptive Grammars and Typology', whose first installment took place in March 2019 in Helsinki, aims to contribute to the development of grammaticography by bringing together authors and users of grammars of underdescribed and/or endangered languages who share an interest in drawing on concepts of linguistic typology in grammatical descriptions.
Invited speakers:
Felix Ameka (Leiden University)
Nicholas Evans (Australian National University)
Birgit Hellwig (University of Cologne)
Aimée Lahaussois (HTL - UMR 7597, CNRS / Université de Paris / Sorbonne Nouvelle University)
Nicolas Quint (LLACAN - UMR 8135, CNRS / Inalco / EPHE)
Thera Crane (University of Helsinki)
Sebastian Fedden (Sorbonne Nouvelle University; LACITO - UMR 7107, CNRS)
Ekaterina Gruzdeva (University of Helsinki)
Arja Hamari (University of Helsinki)
Matti Miestamo (University of Helsinki)
Yann Le Moullec (National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations; LACITO - UMR 7107, CNRS)
Neige Rochant (Sorbonne Nouvelle University; LACITO - UMR 7107, CNRS; LLACAN - UMR 8105, CNRS)
Guillaume Segerer (LLACAN - UMR 8135, CNRS / Inalco / EPHE)
Jeanne Zerner (LLACAN - UMR 8135, CNRS / Inalco / EPHE)
Scientific Committee :
Claire Bowern (Yale University)
Denis Creissels (Université Lumière-Lyon-II)
Don Daniels (University of Oregon)
Patience Epps (University of Texas at Austin)
James Essegbey (University of Florida)
Diana Forker (University of Jena)
Andrew Garrett (University of California at Berkeley)
Carol Genetti (University of New York at Abu Dhabi)
Nadine Grimm (University of Rochester)
Antoine Guillaume (DDL, CNRS)
Harald Hammarström (Uppsala University)
Martin Haspelmath (Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
Jeffrey Heath (University of Michigan)
Marian Klamer (Leiden University)
Linda Konnerth (Hebrew University Jerusalem)
Maarten Mous (Leiden University)
Bastian Persohn (University of Jena)
Mark Post (University of Sydney)
Antoinette Schapper (CNRS / Free University of Amsterdam)