Les voix du conte" symposium, March 24

Colloquium organized as part of a transdisciplinary and transcultural translation project led by the PLIDAM research team - Pluralities of languages and identities: didactics, acquisition, mediations (Inalco)
Friday, March 24, 2023 - 09.00-19.00 - Maison de la recherche (Paris 7e) - Auditorium Dumézil / and online
To attend the colloquium remotely:
The link will be communicated to all interested persons who make the request.
Register at the following address before March 23, 2023:
Detailed program to come.
"Les voix du conte". Didactic and translational peregrinations, around Charles Perrault's Fées
The aim of this colloquium led by the PLIDAM research team is to compare different translations of Charles Perrault's famous fairy tale, Les Fées (1697), in some thirty languages. Comparing all these versions will enable us to discuss the difficulties encountered, whether lexical, stylistic or cultural. After a first practical and pedagogical phase, during which teachers and students worked together on their translations, and a second phase aimed at the general public, which took the form of a theatrical performance given on September 30, 2022, International Translation Day, this third and final meeting will raise more theoretical, didactic and translational questions. In particular, we'll be looking at the difficulty of finding equivalents for certain terms that seem natural to speakers of French, but also of other European languages, in idioms belonging to more distant cultural areas (notably the figure of the fairy herself); the question of transposing a classic French text into a contemporary language; the problems raised by the conciseness of the text and the importance of preserving this in the target language.
The translations can be viewed at TraduXio (then click on the name Charles Perrault).
Scientific manager:
Ildikó Lőrinszky, teacher in the Hungarian Section and literary translator
TraduXio coordinator:
Diana Jamborova Lemay, lecturer in Slovak studies and literary translator
Scientific committee:
- Danh-Thành Do-Hurinville, professor at Université de Franche-Comté
- Narivelo Rajaonarimanana, professor at Inalco, PLIDAM
- Mojca Schlamberger Brezar, professor at the University of Ljubljana
- Thomas Szende, professor at nalco, director of PLIDAM
Frosa Pejoska-Bouchereau, professor at Inalco, PLIDAM