Meet Capucine Boidin Caravias, specialist in Tupi-Guarani languages (IHEAL-CREDA, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle)

25 March 2024
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"Portraits de chercheurs(e)s en études aréales" (PEA) takes a look at the academic career and research and teaching work of researchers and teachers specializing in a given cultural area. Each month, discover a video and podcast interview with one of these specialists.
Capucine Boidin-Caravias
Capucine Boidin-Caravias (Collection PEA) © Dimitri Galitzine‎
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The "Portraits of Researchers in Area Studies" (PEA) collection is a series of large-format interviews produced by Inalco as part of the Digital Paris Research School of Area Studies (D-PaRSAS) institutional project. Deposited on the MediHal open archive, this series of portraits joins a set of collections on the Language and Cultural Area Studies (LaCAS) platform. These collections aim to build a living, freely accessible scientific heritage of research on the world's languages, societies and cultures.

Large-format portrait

Video : An interview with Capucine Boidin (IHEAL and CREDA, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle)
An interview conducted by Elisabeth de Pablo, (D-Parsas, Inalco), directed by Dimitri Galitzine, produced by Inalco (13/04/2023, 1h54mn).

Capucine Boidin-Caravias
Capucine Boidin-Caravias (Collection PEA) © Dimitri Galitzine‎

Capucine Boidin Caravias is a university professor of anthropology at the IHEAL (Institut des Hautes Etudes d'Amérique Latine), a member of the CREDA (Centre de Recherche et de Documentation sur les Amériques), and Vice-President Research at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle since April 2023.

She teaches guarani at Inalco. She specializes in linguistic anthropology, particularly of Tupi-Guarani languages, and in the anthropology and history of representations of miscegenation and ethno-racial hierarchies. In this interview, she looks back at her main research topics and themes.

Capucine Boidin is currently pursuing her research in historical anthropology on Guarani archives.

She has published: Les guerres du Paraguay aux XIXe et XXe siècles, CoLibris, 2007 (With Luc Capdevila and Nicolas Richard); Guerre et Métissage au Paraguay, 2001-1767, (PUR, Collection Histoire, 2011); Des mots dans l'histoire. Essai d'anthropologie politique guaraní (XIXe-XVIe siècle XVIe-XIXe siècle), unpublished manuscript from his HDR, forthcoming from Presses de l'Inalco; La pandémie de Covid-19. Expériences américaines, Éditions de l'IHEAL, 2022, (with Claudia Damasceno, Marion Magnan, François-Michel Letourneau and Hervé Théry); Autour de l'"Atlantique noir", une polyphonie de perspectives, IHEAL-CREDAL, 2009 (With Livio Sansone and Carlos Agudelo).

She has also contributed to several collective works, including: "Justifying one's right to armed resistance. Les correspondances en guaraní des élites indiennes lettrées des missions jésuites (Paraguay, 1752-1753)" in Les révoltes indiennes, (Indes Savantes, 2021); "Sources en langues générales amérindiennes (Amérique latine)" in the Encyclopédie des historiographies. Afriques, Amériques, Asies, volume 1, tome 2, Sources et genres historiques (Presses de l'Inalco, 2020).

She coordinated an ANR-funded JCJC project (2011-2016): LANGAS Langues générales d'Amérique du Sud (quechua, aimara, guarani, tupi, XIX-XVI). With an open-access database, this pioneering project in the digital humanities applied to non-Western languages is developing a new philology and historical anthropology based on Amerindian manuscripts.