Opening of a research notebook Hypotheses for the "Heritage and memory policies" seminar

The Master's 2 seminar "Heritage and Memory Policies", led by Taline Ter Minassian, looks at the emergence of the notion of "heritage" (archaeology, landscape, architecture) and national identity through a variety of examples from a vast geographical area: Southeast Europe, Russia, the Caucasus, the Middle East, Central Asia, the Turkish-Iranian world, South Asia, East Asia. The relationship with memory, whether hidden or official (e.g.: wars, massacres, forced displacement of civilian populations, the Gulag, genocide) is addressed through a number of examples.
The seminar also looks at the circulation of the notion of heritage between East and West across a wide range of geographical areas. Vandalism, the wilful destruction of heritage and even the notion of "heritage hostage" are addressed from different angles: social anthropology, political history, the market economy of heritage and international relations. The issue of heritage restitution is also addressed.
The hypotheses notebook provides an immediate editorial outlet for the teacher but also for all seminar participants and students.
List of articles already published
- The patrimonial conflicts of Israel's Bedouins by Claude Kern
- The Church of Saint Anne in Jerusalem by Claude Kern
- The Louvre Abu Dhabi affair (2013 - 2023) by F.L.T.
- War rugs. Testimonies from the conflicts of Afghanistan, territory of the new great game by Paula Jacq
- The statue of Subhash Chandra Bose on Kartavya Path: memory of independence and nationalist discourse by Constance Papillon
- La vente aux enhères des PM Mementos: memorial politics and political power by Constance Papillon
- The Mahakaleshwar temple in Ujjain: religious heritage and nationalist discourse by Constance Papillon
- Kadyrov mosques: Chechnya's new heritage by Tiphaine Gingelwein