Publication of a special issue of Connaissance des Arts dedicated to Inalco and its Foundation

For its first year of activity, the Inalco Foundation has made the influence of Inalco one of its priorities. Our ambition is to revive the story of Langues O' and to highlight its history, its great figures, its contributions to research on the world's languages, areas and civilizations, everything that gives it its unique identity today.
This identity is embodied in the building that houses its historic headquarters, at 2 rue de Lille, which retains some remarkable heritage features, parts of its history.
It is this history of Langues Océans that gives the school its unique identity.
It's this history of Langues O' that we invite you to discover in a special issue of Connaissance des Arts.
This issue is entirely devoted to Inalco, highlighting the singularity of its architectural heritage, its history, and its uniqueness on its two sites: the Maison de la Recherche in the 7th arrondissement, and the Pôle des Langues et Civilisation in the 13th arrondissement of Paris.
Every month, Connaissance des Arts keeps art lovers up to date with international news on exhibitions, auctions, fairs and salons. It tells the story of art from every era, from archaeology to contemporary creation, from design to architecture.
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