Study day on lexical networks, December 16

Thursday, December 16, 2021 - 09:00-17:00 - Maison de la recherche - Auditorium Georges Dumézil
Inalco - 2, rue de Lille - Paris 7e
Contact and registration: Pierre Magistry -
Study day on lexical networks
This study day aims to present recent practices in the construction and analysis of large lexical networks.
Large networks (or graphs) occupy an increasingly important place in work in lexicology and lexicography. Some essential work in this field has been carried out in France over the last fifteen years. This day will provide an opportunity to take stock of this work and to discuss it with some of the main players in the field.
It will present the essential theoretical foundations, both from the point of view of lexicology and that of graph theory, which make it possible to describe and analyze these lexicological objects. This graph formalism also makes it natural to exploit lexicons constructed for automatic language processing (ALP). And conversely, it can provide a framework for the contributions of NLP to lexicology.
We'll be looking back at some of our seminal work, including the creation, properties, exploration and visualization of lexical graphs in "small worlds", the creation of the "Réseau Lexical du Français", and the "JeuxDeMots" network. The day will continue with shorter presentations of work in progress, and will leave plenty of time for exchanges between and with the speakers.
To take full advantage of this day and the discussions, we invite you to consult the few bibliographical references suggested by the speakers.
Pierre Magistry
Damien Nouvel
Ilaine Wang
Mathieu Valette