Université Paris Cité and Inalco sign framework agreement

First and foremost, the two establishments intend to build on existing scientific collaborations and pursue their involvement within the joint research units of which they are co-tutelles. Through this new framework agreement, Inalco and UPCité also intend to submit joint responses to future calls for projects. Among the subjects of common interest, both parties wish to develop synergies in doctoral training and promote projects in the field of digital humanities, starting with the development of common platforms.
Training in FLE, rare or little-taught languages
Under this agreement, the two establishments also wish to formalize their cooperation in language training, through the pooling of certain courses in French as a Foreign Language (FLE) and rare languages, for the benefit of students from both establishments. Finally, both parties intend to cooperate in the preparation of agrégations in rare or little-taught languages.
Professional integration and international action
Professional integration remains a central concern for both institutions. In particular, joint efforts will be made to enhance the language skills of their students, through the development of international volunteering in companies (VIE) and administration (VIA) and support for joint international actions.
Student life
It is also in the sphere of student life that UPCité and Inalco wish to pursue and deepen their efforts, to ensure their student community a welcoming, high-quality working environment that enables them to envisage their studies with serenity. The proximity of UPCité's Grands Moulins campus and Inalco's Pôle des langues et civilisations in the 13earrondissement facilitates the development of joint initiatives. Collaboration between the two establishments will cover all aspects of student life (study facilities, promotion of the fight against Sexist and Sexual Violence - SGBV - and initiatives in favor of gender equality, actions in favor of prevention, health promotion and education, sports offers). Its aim will be to facilitate the various approaches through the recognition and pooling of certain protocols.
Finally, and more broadly, the two establishments wish to pool their thinking around shared issues, in particular by promoting the training of members of their respective communities in the various subjects running through higher education and research: ethics, deontology and scientific integrity, VSS, or the prevention of external influences and interference in the academic world.