Professional forum
Organized every year by the SIO-IP, the professional forum brings together a number of companies, NGOs and national and international public institutions interested in the wealth and diversity of Inalco students' skills.

The aim is to enable students to exchange ideas with professionals who work in professions related to the courses offered at Inalco in fields such as translation and interpreting, business, international relations, multilingual engineering, language didactics, mediation and intercultural communication or political science.
Some examples of professional organizations that took part in Inalco's professional forum:
- The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs for diplomat recruitment competitions, the Treasury Department of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, for everything to do with France's external action.
- International organizations (ICRC), NGOs (France Terre d'Asile, Reporters Sans Frontières...).
- Private companies such as Banque Natexis, Air France, Le BHV, Open Tour, Pénélope...
- Public operators such as the Musée du Louvre, Paris Musées, the Cour Nationale du Droit d'Asile; professional unions such as the Syndicat Français des Traducteurs
- Directorates of the Préfecture de Paris et d'Ile-de-France, the Préfecture de Police, the Comité de tourisme de la Région Paris - Ile-de-France, etc.
Don't hesitate to contact us if you'd like to take part.