Projects launched in 2020

A Hebrew Dante: Moshe da Rieti's "Miqdash Me'at", its cultural context and reception
Project summary:Moshe ben Yitz?aq of Rieti (Mosè di Gaio, Rieti 1388-Rome, before 1466) was the leading Jewish-Italian philosopher and poet of the first half of the 15th century. His main work, Miqdash me'at (Little Sanctuary), is a poem of around 5,000 Hebrew verses in terza rima (the metre used in Dante's Divine Comedy) with religious, scientific and philosophical content. Using a subdivision that corresponds to the different zones of the Jerusalem temple, Rieti first expounds the profane or "external" sciences of the medieval trivium and quadrivium.
Project sponsor: Alessandro GUETTA, CERMOM
Project date: 01/10/2020 - 31/03/2024
Donor: ANR - Apprel Franco-allemand (FRAL)

Encoding, absorption and abandonment of cultural material during migration: The case of Judeo-Spanish songbooks
Project summary: The project consists of an analysis of Judeo-Spanish songbooks
Project sponsor: Vanessa DUNCAN ELBAZ, CERMOM
Project date: 01/09/2020 - 30/06/2024
Donor: European Commission - Marie Sklodowska Curie Program - Postdoctoral fellowship

Digital Paris Research School of Area studies
Project summary: Digital Paris Research School of Area Studies (D-PaRSAS) is a technical and editorial platform project designed to facilitate the production, archiving and valorization of multimodal data (audiovisual, visual, sound, textual, 3D, ...) documenting research on cultural and linguistic areas. It is supported by the University of Paris and Inalco.
Project sponsor: Peter STOCKINGER, Plidam
Project date: 01/03/2020-31/12/2023
Donor: Ile de France - Appel Sésame (scientific and technological equipment and platforms)