Projects launched in 2022

European Platform for Personalized Language Learning +
Project summary: The aim of the project is to offer platforms for self-adaptive learning of modern languages, i.e. IT systems capable of individually monitoring and guiding learners' progress thanks to paths that can be calculated according to their performance. Three fields of linguistic study within the European Union are proposed: Germanic, Romance and Slavic areas. Participating in inclusive schooling is also at the heart of PEAPL+'s development approach
Project sponsor: Patrice POGNAN , Plidam
Project date: 18/12/2023 - 17/12/2026
Donor: Erasmus+ - Cooperation partnerships in school education

Interactive language game under the Erasmus+ programme
Project supported by Edukado@Interreto
Project summary: The main aim of the Vortoj project (whose name means "words" in Esperanto) is to facilitate vocabulary learning using a dance mat linked to a computer. This interactive game is aimed primarily at elementary school pupils. The aim is to make Vortoj available in at least eleven European languages (English, Slovak, French, Russian, Italian, Esperanto, Spanish, German, Dutch, Hungarian and Czech) that will enable players to practice and master several language skills according to their preferences and needs.
Project coordinator at Inalco: Diana LEMAY, PLIDAM
Project date: 01/11/2022 - 01/11/2024
Donor: Erasmus+ - Cooperation partnerships in school education

Intermediation in the organization of migrant labor within the French colonial empire of Asia and the Pacific, from the early 19th to the mid-20th century
Project led by CESSMA - Université de Paris
Project summary: This Collaborative Research Program brings together eight academic partners, in France, Asia and the Pacific, who are combining their approaches in an attempt to enrich knowledge relating to migratory intermediation within the French colonial empire of Asia and the Pacific, from the early 19th to the mid-20th century. This notion refers to the organization of labor migration, whether immigrant or "native", by intermediaries within the framework of colonial labor. The general objective is to describe these brokers and the ambiguities and clichés that surround them, from the colonial era to the present day.
Project coordinator at Inalco: Emmanuel Poisson, IFRAE
Project date: 01/10/2022 - 31/12/2024
Brokers: ANR AAPG 2020 - Collaborative research project

The Yukuna and Tanimuka of the Miriti-Parana
Documenting multilingualism in interaction
Project summary:This project focuses on Yukuna (Arawakan) and Tanimuka (Tukanoan), spoken by the Yukuna, Matapi, Tanimuka and Letuama groups in the Colombian Amazon. These groups are in constant contact as they coexist in highly multilingual communities with members of other ethnic groups. This project aims to document the synchronic dynamics of multilingualism among Yukuna and Tanimuka speakers in two different sociolinguistic contexts: on their traditional territory, characterized by egalitarian multilingualism, and in urban areas, where Spanish and Portuguese are the norm.
Project sponsor: Magdalena Lemus Serrano, Sedyl
Project date: 01/10/2022 - 30/09/2024
Donor : Endangered Languages Documentation Programm - Individual postdoctoral fellowship (ipf)

Open LaCas
Open Archive in Language and Cultural Area Studies
Project summary:The aim of the Open LaCAS project is to structure, document and enhance the research on areal studies (in particular: non-Western) produced by the actors forming the research ecosystem.
Project sponsor:Peter STOCKINGER, Plidam
Project date: 01/09/2022 - 31/12/2024
Donor: Ministry of Higher Education - Dialogue stratégique de gestion

Digitizing Armenian Linguistic Heritage: Armenian Multivariational Corpus and Data Processing
Project summary: The project aims to build for the first time a unified, open and open-source digital linguistic platform for all varieties of Armenian. Each language variety will be represented by a comprehensive textual database, accompanied by full morphological annotation.
Project sponsor: Victoria KHURSHUDYAN, Sedyl
Project date: 01/04/2022 - 31/10/2025
Donor: ANR - AAPG 2021 - Collaborative Research Project (CRP)

Pour une histoire critique des trésors du Nord
Project summary:The history of Tibet remains obscure in many respects, despite the research accumulated over the last few decades. And yet, there are tens of thousands of pages of unexploited historiographical material.
T. 62 of this collection is a large Histoire des Trésors du Nord (905 p.) which will give our project its canvas. It will consist of a critical translation of this chronicle, supplemented and amended by material available elsewhere (4000 p. of historiographical documents in this collection, not counting the countless precious elements scattered throughout the ritual texts).
Project sponsor: Stépphane ARGUILLERE, IFRAE
Project date: 01/02/2022 - 31/01/2026
Donor : ANR - AAPG 2021 - Collaborative research project

Yonghe Qiang Digital Dictionary Project
Project summary:The project aims to create the first multilingual (Tibeto-Burman/Trans-Himalayan) digital dictionary of Yonghe, an under-represented and endangered language. Yonghe is spoken by around 5,000 people in Yonghe township, Mao county, Aba prefecture, Sichuan, China.
Today, Yonghe is used by children in only four of the township's twenty-two villages.
Project sponsor: Nathaniel Sims, CRLAO
Project date: 01/02/2022 - 31/03/2023
Donor: Endangered Language Fund

China In Europe Research Network
Project led by Stichting VU at the University of Amsterdam
Project summary:Funded by the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) program from November 2019 to spring 2024, CHERN brings together around 250 researchers from different disciplines working on China in Europe and originating from over 40 countries. CHERN is structured into 5 working groups, which respectively analyze China's actions in Europe in the sectors of infrastructure, high technology and innovation, finance, real estate and services, public diplomacy and knowledge production, as well as migration and labor.
Project coordinator at Inalco: Sebastien COLIN, IFRAE
Project end date: 07/05/2024
Donor: Cost actions