Projects launched in 2023

Diversity of Sinitic Languages and Digital Humanities
Project summary: The development of digital humanities (DH) practices and the increasing availability of corpora of interest to SHS are opening up new fields of application and new challenges for automatic language processing (ALP). The NLP of Sinitic languages is no exception, although it does present a number of specific problems. We propose here a project that aims to identify, describe and address some of these challenges and stumbling blocks by approaching this issue from the perspective of variation.
Project sponsor: Pierre MAGISTRY, ERTIM
Project date: 01/12/2023-31/11/2027
Donor: ANR - AAPG 2023 - Projet jeune

Pashto literature between identity and contact
Project summary: This research project focuses on Pashto literature, in this case monolingual literature produced throughout the territory described above, in all its forms and at all times, proposing to study its internal and external dynamics, and in particular: relations between written and oral literature, between Pashto and Dari literature and literature in other Iranian languages, Pashto literature's relations with power, forms and genres according to social class and religious status, specific forms of women's song in a society of exclusive male hegemony, etc. A project aimed at concretely filling knowledge gaps, but also at initiating a theoretical discussion on this topic.
Project sponsor:Mateo DE CHIARA, CeRMI
Project date: 01/10/2023-30/09/2028
Donor: ANR - AAPG 2023 - Single-team project (PRME)

When writing becomes calligraphy: an alternative history of Chinese writing Based on medieval inscribed landscapes and their modern reception
Project summary: This project approaches a marginal epigraphic tradition in medieval China from a diachronic perspective, including its modern reception, in order to write an alternative history of calligraphy. Research focuses on the Taoist poet Zheng Daozhao (455-516; 4 sites; c. 40 inscriptions) and the Buddhist monk Seng'An Daoyi (active 562-580; 12 sites; c. 120 inscriptions).
Project sponsor: Lia WEI, Ifrae
Project date: 01/10/2023-30/09/2027
Donor: ANR - AAPG 2023 - Projet jeune

Theory of Tone
Project summary: The aim of the project is to identify the general types of tone systems existing in the world and the typical trends in their evolution. It will be carried out on the basis of a comparison of rich linguistic data. The project covers all major tonal language localization areas: Africa, America, the Far East and Southeast Asia, New Guinea and Australia, Europe. A balanced sample of 150 to 200 languages will be studied.
Project sponsor: Valentin VYDRIN, Llacan
Project date: 01/09/2023-31/08/2028
Donor: European Commission - ERC Advanced Grant

Digital Methods for the Study of Migration in the Aegean Region
Project summary:Our project explores data science methods for the study of mobilities in Ottoman and post-Ottoman society with a focus on the Aegean region, namely Anatolia and Southeastern Europe). We pay particular attention to the multilingual dimension of the primary sources (in Greek, Italian, Ottoman and modern Turkish, Ladino) and to the diversity concerning the causes, experiences and routes of mobility observable in the Ottoman Empire and its successor states (Turkey, Greece, Yugoslavia for Macedonia and Italy for the Dodecanese). Through two methodological workshops, a virtual seminar and a platform, we discuss tools for creating databases and visualizing them from the material already collected.
Project sponsor: Andreas GUIDI, CREE
Project date: 01/07/2023 - 31/12/2024
Donor: France Berkley Fund

Documentation and description of the Dza language
Project summary: The project organized and documented the construction of a traditional Dza hut. Such huts are no longer built. The project also produced two bilingual dictionaries and an outline grammar of the Dza language.
Project sponsor: Nlabephee Kefas OTHANIEL, Llacan
Project date: 01/01/2023-31/12/2024
Donor: Endangered languages documentation program - Individual Graduate Scholarhship

Project on the links between neuroscience and cultural phenomena, cognitive processes and decision-making
Project summary: The project is mainly positioned in the thematic axis A of the call: "New views" through an interdisciplinary design thinking approach exploring the modalities of cognitive warfare. The concept of cognitive warfare, and more broadly that which can be referred to as "cognitive security", as currently understood in the Western world, stems from the convergence of work on the one hand on the characteristics, limits and fragilities of individuals, and on the other on social and cultural influences and their manipulation for the purposes of warfare .
Project sponsor:Mathieu VALETTE, ERTIM
Project date: 01/01/2023-31/12/2025
Donor: ANR & Agence Innovation Défense - Appel ASTRID édition 2022