Couverture Livre sur les calculs avec des bâtonnets

The book on stick calculations

A 2nd-century manuscript excavated in Zhangjiashan


Rémi Anicotte

30 €

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The book presents, translates and comments on the Suan shu shu 算數書, a - 2nd century Chinese manuscript excavated during the winter of 1983-84. Its discovery has revolutionized knowledge of the ancient sources of mathematics in China.

The translation and its commentaries provide a better understanding of the text and its context, bringing together the archaeology of the excavated texts, ancient Chinese, the history of mathematics and life in China under the Han. The French translation is accompanied by the original text, its pinyin transcription and a word-by-word.


Rémi Anicotte is director of China Intuition International Consulting (Beijing) and associate member of CRLAO (CNRS UMR 8563 - EHESS - Inalco, Paris).

336 pages
16 x 24 cm
Publication: 24/04/2019
ISBN: 9782858313082